
Methods to monitor the human right to adequate food

Making the case for rights-focused and rights-based monitoring
年份: 2009
作者: FAO

These Methods to Monitor the Human Right to Adequate Food are intended to assist countries that are committed to the protection and realisation for all of the human right to adequate food. The focus is on the need to continuously assess and to monitor the implementation of measures that are expected to make the human right to adequate food a reality for all. This means examining the results and impacts of development processes, and of policies, programmes and projects, against specific goals that have been set as desired outcomes for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. Where food insecurity exists, measures should be implemented to restore or create physical and economic access to adequate food for those who are food insecure. Monitoring can significantly contribute to protect the enjoyment of the right to adequate food for those who presently have it, and of the elimination of food insecurity and vulnerability for those who do not.

出版物类别: 手册/准则