
Climate risk management for the roots and tubers sectors in Africa

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 23
年份: 2020
作者: FAO

Even if roots and tubers are generally tolerant to poor soils and droughts, they can be affected by climate variability and change. In order to address climate risks, value chains’ actors require timely and accurate information systems, including data on market prices, and a set of crop-specific climate risk management strategies. This policy brief indicates four main interventions to reduce risks and mitigate their impact on roots and tubers: (i) integrating climate risk management into agricultural development policies and planning; (ii) develop an inclusive strategy for the provision of climate related services; (iii) facilitate contract farming arrangements to promote climatic risk management strategies; and (iv) mainstream agricultural insurance schemes against climate risks along existing value chains.

出版物类别: 政策简报
区域: Africa
ISSN: 2520-6540 (online) / 2520-6532 (print)