
Policy options for the refugees' self-reliance integration model in Uganda

年份: 2022
作者: FAO

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 51.

The findings in this brief have been adapted from the FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 22-08 Enhancing refugees’ self-reliance in Uganda – The role of cash and food assistance.

Rethinking the land-based self-reliance model is essential to support refugees’ integration and to build their self-reliance in the long-term. The transition toward a refugee policy that focuses on a broader food value chain development and off-farm activities’ enhancement is also recommended to reach both short- and long-term development.

出版物类别: 政策简报
國家: Uganda
区域: Africa
ISBN: 978-92-5-136740-7
ISSN: 2520-6540 (online) / ISSN 2520-6532 (print)