Agrifood Economics


Publication series

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Journal articles, 2009
Migration has become a key component in the livelihood strategies of an increasing number of households across the developing world and remittances have expanded dramatically in the last decade. This has come at a time...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2009
This article introduces the articles in Agricultural Economics, vol. 40 no. 2 (March 2009). First, we introduce their objectives in a brief review of existing literature on developing country trends in rural income diversification, in...
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Journal articles, 2009
Underutilized plant species are generally defined by their unexploited economic potential, making them an appropriate focus for market development. This paper analyses the role of collective action in the process of market development for minor...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2009
This study examines how different supply chain characteristics impose different coordination costs on vegetable processors. The results provide a basis for understanding the relative importance of four alternative supply chain characteristics to vegetable processors: (1)...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2009
Cet article s’intéresse à la multiplication des projets de mise en place de politiques agricoles communes en Afrique depuis le début des années 2000, qu’il propose d’aborder comme une forme de transfert de politique publique....
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2009
This paper evaluates the behavioral impact of conditionality and gender targeting on spending behavior in the Progresa conditional cash transfer (CCT) program from rural Mexico. Results indicate that transfer income is not spent differently from...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2009
This paper examines the links between household assets and the economic activities of rural households in order to identify the role of certain assets on creating a pathway out of poverty. Nationally representative data from...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2009
We examine the relationship between participation in non-agricultural labor activities and farming production decisions, focusing on the use of inputs. In particular, we are interested in the hypothesis that income from non-agricultural labor relaxes credit...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2009
This paper examines the links between household assets and the economic activities of rural households in order to identify the role of certain assets on creating a pathway out of poverty. Nationally representative data from...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2009
This study uses regression analysis to evaluate the relationships among sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) averaged over the Niño-3.4 region (5°N–5°S, 120°–170°W), rainfall, and rice production, area harvested, and yield in Luzon, the large island...
Available in:English