Agrifood Economics


Publication series

Latest publications

Country case study, 2007
Since the onset of the Israeli occupation in 1967, the economy of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (WBGS) has been an “income economy” rather than a “production economy”—making the WBGS extremely vulnerable to the...
Available in:English
Manual/guidelines, 2007
Vigilar a través de la recolección periódica, el análisis y la interpretación, y la diseminación de información relevante es crucial para saber si se están haciendo progresos y si las políticas, los programas y otras...
Available in:English
Information product, 2007
Les peiples autochtones sont parmi les groupes socio-ethniques les plus vulnérables et les plus pauvres du monde. Ils représentent un pourcentage significatif des personnes exposées à l’insécurité alimentaire, souvent confrontées à la faim chronique...
Available in:English
Interim Report. Prospects for food, nutrition, agriculture and major commodity groups
Country case study, 2007
This is an updated version, with extension of projections to 2050, of two of the key chapters (Chapters 2 and 3) of the study World Agriculture: Towards 2015/30 completed in 2002 and published in 2003...
Available in:English
Manual/guidelines, 2007
Legislative measures for the implementation of the human right to adequate food are highlighted both in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and in the Right to Food Guidelines, There are three...
Available in:English
(HOW TO series)
Manual/guidelines, 2007
Desarrollar una estrategia para poner en práctica el derecho a la alimentación debe comenzar por evaluar la situación actual. La Directriz 3,2 del Derecho a la Alimentación* recomienda que los titulares de obligaciones (los Estados)...
Available in:English
FOCUS ON series
Information product, 2007
Until recently, human rights issues have been the domain of lawyers and human rights campaigners while resource access issues were tackled by technical interventions and political mobilization. Today human rights principles and language are being...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2007
We review claims linking both payments for carbon and poverty to deforestation. We examine these effects empirically for Costa Rica during the late 20th century using an econometric approach that addresses the irreversibilities in...
Available in:English
Information product, 2007
Traditional bioenergy is the dominant source of energy for about half of the world’s population and it is used mainly for cooking. This in itself makes access to bioenergy a right to food issue....
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2007
Preferential trade agreements are thought of as an important instrument for integrating the developing (DCs) and least developed countries (LDCs) into the world trading system. The Everything But Arms initiative (EBA) of the European Union...
Available in:English