Economía Agroalimentaria


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Nota de política, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 41. Diverse sourcing of food through international trade is a key strategy for building agrifood systems' resilience because it buffers the food supply against shocks and stresses. Enhancing diversity...
Disponible en:English
A multi-country analysis
Estudio técnico, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 14. Transport infrastructure and logistics, not least domestic food transport networks, are an integral part of agrifood systems, and play a fundamental role in ensuring physical access to food....
Disponible en:English
Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 21-10
Documento de trabajo, 2021
The food systems concept has attracted a considerable amount of attention as it provides an opportunity to better understand and represent the array of factors that explain food security in a comprehensive and holistic manner....
Disponible en:English
Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 21-09
Documento de trabajo, 2021
Resilience is often associated with multivalued and multi-faceted strategies, programs, and projects. After approximately 15 years of empirical evidence in the literature, few research questions remain unexplored and unanswered, especially with the recent occurrence of...
Disponible en:English
Drivers of change
Estudio técnico, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 13. The Progress towards Sustainable Agriculture initiative (PROSA) is a framework that seeks to complement ongoing efforts on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and particularly indicator 2.4.1, to support...
Disponible en:English
Manual/directrices, 2021
Value chain development can make significant contributions to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because it is a powerful approach to address root causes and binding constraints that impede the sustainable development of food value...
Disponible en:English
Technical note
Estudio de casos de país, 2021
In Mozambique, food security remains a key issue and the country suffers perennial food shortages, especially in the provinces of Manica,Tete, Sofala, Zambezia, Maputo and Gaza. Weaknesses in post-harvest systems, which contribute to both a...
Disponible en:English
Rapport d’analyse politique
Estudio de casos de país, 2021
Le rapport d’analyse politique a pour objectif de synthétiser les résultats d’analyse des indicateurs de suivi du soutien politique au secteur agricole depuis les quinze dernières années au Sénégal, à savoir les dépenses publiques allouées...
Disponible en: français
From measuring poverty to profiling and targeting the poor in rural areas
Informe principal, 2021
Reducing rural poverty is a key objective of FAO. To achieve this goal, the Organization must reach the poor and the extremely poor in rural areas, analysing their needs and aspirations and providing effective guidance...
Disponible en:English
Nota de política, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 40. This policy brief, prepared by the FAO Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change (EPIC), aims to analyse the relationships and policy options in regard to migration, cash...
Disponible en:English