Economía Agroalimentaria


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ESA Working Paper 11-11
Documento de trabajo, 2011
This paper reviews existing microeconomic empirical literature on gender differences in use, access, and adoption of non-land agricultural inputs in developing countries. This review focuses on four key areas: (1) technological resources, (2) natural resources,...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 11-10
Documento de trabajo, 2011
This paper investigates the meaning of female empowerment and presents the argument why empowerment is needed. Empowerment is treated as a process which does not stop with empowerment per se, but also looks at what...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 11-09
Documento de trabajo, 2011
Ester Boserup’s book Women’s role in economic development marked an important step in understanding the position of women in developing economies. Her book, along with the work of feminists writing at the same time, marked...
Disponible en:English
Issues Brief 2
Nota de política, 2011
The escalating rate of competition over natural resources has reached important levels. Data on leases and acquisitions of large tracts of land varies across sources. According to the High Level Panel of Experts of the...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 11-05
Documento de trabajo, 2011
This paper introduces value chain analysis and development as tools for addressing gender inequities in markets. We describe how factors such as access to assets, gendered education differentials and the nature and value of economic...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 11-04
Documento de trabajo, 2011
This paper explores, conceptually and empirically, the question of how much food is produced by women. Data for labour inputs and agricultural output are used to assess women’s contribution to food and agricultural production. The...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 11-02
Documento de trabajo, 2011
Agriculture can be an important engine of growth and poverty reduction. But the sector is underperforming in many countries in part because women, who are often a crucial resource in agriculture and the rural economy,...
Disponible en:English
Producto informativo, 2011
This sample spread sheet accompanies the simple price monitoring tool to assess monthly changes in food prices.
Disponible en:English
Manual/directrices, 2011
This paper presents a simple tool that can be used to monitor developments in market prices. The data requirements are relatively simple: all that is needed are monthly data on nominal market prices and the...
Disponible en:English
Estudio de casos de país, 2011
The Socio-Economic and Food Security (SEFSec) survey is part of a broader monitoring system in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) to be institutionalized within the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS). The purpose of the...
Disponible en:English