Economía Agroalimentaria


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ESA Working Paper 02-12
Documento de trabajo, 2002
While Nicaragua over the past decade has ranked among the poorest countries in Latin America in terms of per capita GDP, data from the last three LSMS surveys (1993, 1998, and 2001) has shown a...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 02-11
Documento de trabajo, 2002
This paper considers the impact of the nutritional status on the growth rate of real GDP per capita. In particular, a panel of 114 countries’ Dietary Energy Supply (DES) per capita from 1961 to 1999...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 02-10
Documento de trabajo, 2002
In this paper, we examine how the design of cash transfer schemes influences household welfare outcomes with particular reference to the influence of transfers on conditioned outcomes, such as schooling, health and investment. We do...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 02-08
Documento de trabajo, 2002
The policy reforms introduced in Latin America in the 1980s and 1990s have induced profound and beneficial changes in the overall productive structure of most Latin American countries, and particularly concerning the increased competitiveness and...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 02-07
Documento de trabajo, 2002
Poverty and food security in most countries are highly heterogeneous phenomena. Both types and depth of poverty, measured in a variety of ways, vary between and within countries, regions or other geographic and administrative units....
Disponible en:English
Libro/capítulo de un libro, 2002
For the third edition, we have doubled the number of countries for which production-related information is provided. This is due to help from Foreword the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which...
Disponible en:English
ESA Working Paper 02-06
Documento de trabajo, 2002
The objective of this research is to analyze the food consumption patterns and to conduct econometric analysis of food demand structure in Japan. In this study, we pay special attention to the questions on whether...
Disponible en:English
Artículo de revista especializada, 2002
The paper clarifies the “meso-economy” concept by defining it as comprising both the market mechanisms and administrative procedures through which policy decisions and market signals trickle down to the household level. Three main bodies of...
Disponible en:English
Estudio de casos de país, 2002
This publication contains four in-depth reviews on current and emerging issues in the economic analysis of food, agriculture and rural development, written by well-known scholars in the field. The selection of the issues for in-depth...
Disponible en:English
Artículo de revista especializada, 2002
Golden rice (GR) is a new rice variety that has been genetically modified to contain beta-carotene, a source of vA. This modification was undertaken as a strategy to address VAD, which is widespread in less...
Disponible en:English