Economía Agroalimentaria


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Artículo de revista especializada, 2002
In recent years, there has been increasing emphasis in the rural development literature on the multiple income-generating activities undertaken by rural households and the importance of assets in determining the capacity to undertake these activities. Controlling for endogeneity...
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Food insecurity – when people live with hunger and fear starvation
Informe principal, 2002
This fourth edition of The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) provides the latest estimates of the number of chronically hungry people in the world and reports on global and national efforts to...
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Estudio de casos de país, 2002
Evidence from developing countries points towards the growing importance of non-farm activities in the income-generating portfolio of rural households (Lanjouw and Stern, 1993; Estudillo and Otsuka, 1998). From an extensive review of the literature, Reardon...
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La agricultura y los bienes públicos mundiales diez años después de la Cumbre para la tierra
Informe principal, 2002
El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación 2002 es el informe anual de la FAO sobre los acontecimientos y cuestiones actuales relacionados con la agricultura mundial. Se realiza en él un seguimiento de...
Artículo de revista especializada, 2002
Urbanization and globalization may enhance access to non traditional foods as a result of changing prices and production practices, as well as trade and marketing practices. These forces have influenced dietary patterns throughout the developing...
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Artículo de revista especializada, 2001
Cash transfer programs induce multiplier effects when recipients put the money they receive to work to generate additional income. The ultimate income effects are multiples of the amounts transferred. This paper analyzes the PROCAMPO program...
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Impactos económicos de las plagas transfronterizas de plantas y enfermedades animales
Informe principal, 2001
A cinco años de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentación, y a inicios del siglo XXI, El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación reflexiona sobre algunos de los principales desafíos que plantea la...
Artículo de revista especializada, 2000
Objective: Assessing how the Italian average food pattern would be affected in terms of consumption structure and expenditure by the adoption of nutritional prescriptions. Design: A linear programming model with nutritional and food habits constraints...
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Artículo de revista especializada, 2000
In a long-term continuous cropping experiment at Los Baños, Philippines, three rice (Oryza sativa L.) crops were grown each year with the goals of maximum annual grain production and high N use efficiency. Our objective...
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Artículo de revista especializada, 2000
In this article we focus on the link between nutrition and health and labor productivity. The link between productivity and consumption and its impact on wages was first explored among others by H. Leibenstein, J. E....
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