Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

Conceptual issues and methods for analysis
Document de travail, 2024
Livestock value chains present a multitude of challenges in the analysis of resilience given their multidimensional role in livelihoods and complexities associated with their biological aspects of production. This paper discusses these challenges at length...
Disponible sur:English
Los casos de Ecuador, Paraguay y Nicaragua
Étude technique, 2024
Economía del desarrollo agrícola de la FAO. Estudio técnico n.o 33.  La FAO y la Universidad de Chile presentan este documento técnico que consolida el trabajo realizado en el proyecto “Innovación en agronegocios en cadenas de...
Disponible sur: Español
Manuel/directives, 2023
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and agriculture have been felt all over the world. As the pandemic unfolded, considerable attention began to be paid to the resilience of agricultural supply chains to...
Disponible sur:English
Note de politique, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 46. This policy brief is intended to sensitize Government decision makers and development partners, youth organizations and other stakeholders about the opportunities offered by applying a value chain approach...
Disponible sur:English
Guidelines for practitioners
Manuel/directives, 2022
This publication is intended to assist field practitioners, youth organizations and other stakeholders to identify binding constraints and viable opportunities to youth engagement in value chains that can translate into greater youth inclusion. Considering youth...
Disponible sur:English
Note de politique, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 30. North Macedonia’s ambition to join the European Union (EU) makes it necessary to reform the agricultural sector, such that it aligns with the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)....
Disponible sur:English
Note de politique, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 28. This policy brief analyses some of the key agricultural public expenditure programs in Burkina Faso. It makes recommendations on levels and policy mixes that, based on the analysis,...
Disponible sur:English
Note de politique, 2020
La pandémie de covid-19 pose une menace importante pour les chaînes d'approvisionnement en intrants agricoles. Cette situation peut compromettre l'accès aux intrants et leur disponibilité, notamment les semences, les engrais et les pesticides, ainsi que...
Technical note
Étude technique, 2020
This technical note describes the methodology and data used to obtain estimates of rising undernourishment, under three hypothetical scenarios of gross domestic product (GDP) growth reduction that could materialize based on different forecasts emerging in...
Disponible sur:English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 19
Note de politique, 2019
Food loss and waste reduction is considered important for improving food security and nutrition, promoting environmental sustainability and lowering production costs. However, it is not a given that reducing food loss and waste in any...
Disponible sur:English
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