Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

MAFAP Technical Notes Series
Produit d’information, 2015
This technical note aims to measure, analyse and interpret price incentives for cashew nuts in the United Republic of Tanzania over the period 2005-2013. The results and recommendations presented in this analysis of price incentives...
Disponible sur:English
Étude technique, 2015
This technical note aims to measure, analyse and interpret price incentives for sugar in Malawi over the period 2005-2013. The results and recommendations presented in this analysis of price incentives can be used by stakeholders...
Disponible sur:English
EPIC Policy Brief No. 4
Note de politique, 2015
This brief summarizes the results of analyses of Shan tea and Arabica coffee value chains in the Northern Mountainous Region of Viet Nam in order to better understand how they are affected by climate change...
Disponible sur:English
ESA Working Paper 14-07
Document de travail, 2014
Food price volatility spells have fuelled the debate about the reliability of world markets as a source of food. At the heart of this debate lies the question of whether food price spikes are generated...
Disponible sur:English
ESA Working Paper 14-01
Document de travail, 2014
We examine the nature of relationship between prices of crude oil, ethanol and grains (maize, wheat and rice). Our working hypothesis is that profit maximization, the US biofuel policies and automotive engine technology give rise...
Disponible sur:English
Note de politique, 2013
De 2005 à 2010, les éleveurs de bovins du Mali ont reçu des prix nettement en dessous du prix de référence de la sous-région. Cela est du en majeure partie à l’absence de politique forte...
Disponible sur:English
ESA Working Paper 13-05
Document de travail, 2013
We examine how the transformation of food value chains (FVCs) influence the triple malnutrition burden (undernourishment, micronutrient deficiencies and over-nutrition) in developing countries. We propose a FVC typology (modern, traditional, modern-to-traditional, and traditional-to-modern) that takes...
Disponible sur:English
Note de politique, 2013
To make the URT’s rice sector more completive, MAFAP analysis suggests: • promoting investments at the farm level to help increase yields and efficiency; and • strengthening the rice value chain to increase its efficiency and...
Disponible sur:English
Note de politique, 2013
Although coffee is the URT’s second most important agricultural export, coffee growers receive prices which are lower than those they could potentially obtain. Lower farmers’ prices mainly relate to a few companies’ dominance of the...
Disponible sur:English
ESA Working Paper 13-03
Document de travail, 2013
Rice self-sufficiency is a key objective of most Asian governments, yet attaining that objective has been elusive for several countries over extended periods of time; long-term status as an exporter or importer is relatively constant,...
Disponible sur:English
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