Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

Produit d’information, 2011
In November 2011 an online discussion on "Measuring Food and Nutrition Security"was held by FAO's Food and Nutrition Security Forum. Participants discussed factors affecting their choice of indicators and how this choice affects their work....
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Produit d’information, 2011
This sample spread sheet accompanies the simple price monitoring tool to assess monthly changes in food prices.
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Produit d’information, 2007
La bioénergie traditionnelle est la source dominante d’énergie pour près de la moitié de la population mondiale et elle est principalement utilisée pour la cuisson des aliments. De cette manière,l’accès à la bioénergie s’inscrit dans...
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Produit d’information, 2007
Indigenous peoples are among the world’s most vulnerable groups and poorest socio-ethnic populations. They make up a significant percentage of the food insecure, often facing chronic hunger and malnutrition. Paradoxically, due to a growing dependency...
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Produit d’information, 2007
The Negociatrix Policy Game is a tool for training in multilateral negotiation, which has been developed through a partnership between FAO and the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands. This tool is a software based...
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Produit d’information, 2007
Les peiples autochtones sont parmi les groupes socio-ethniques les plus vulnérables et les plus pauvres du monde. Ils représentent un pourcentage significatif des personnes exposées à l’insécurité alimentaire, souvent confrontées à la faim chronique...
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Interim Report. Prospects for food, nutrition, agriculture and major commodity groups
Produit d’information, 2007
This is an updated version, with extension of projections to 2050, of two of the key chapters (Chapters 2 and 3) of the study World Agriculture: Towards 2015/30 completed in 2002 and published in 2003...
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FOCUS ON series
Produit d’information, 2007
Until recently, human rights issues have been the domain of lawyers and human rights campaigners while resource access issues were tackled by technical interventions and political mobilization. Today human rights principles and language are being...
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(FOCUS ON series)
Produit d’information, 2007
Until recently, human rights issues have been the domain of lawyers and human rights campaigners while resource access issues were tackled by technical interventions and political mobilization. Today human rights principles and language are being...
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FOCUS ON series
Produit d’information, 2007
Enabling people to feed themselves is the primary obligation of states. When individuals are unable to do so, in cases such as when HIV/AIDS makes them physically incapable or when loss of infected parents leaves...
Disponible sur:English