Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

Assessing environmental and socio-economic potential of agri-food value chains
Produit d’information, 2019
EX-ACT Value Chain (EX-ACT VC) is derived from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT). The tool is based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology...
Disponible sur:English
Assessing the climate mitigation potential of coastal wetlands, aquaculture and fisheries management
Produit d’information, 2019
EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) is an Excel-based model from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It is based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology (including the 2013 wetland...
Disponible sur:English
Étude de cas par pays, 2019
This publication is a compendium of the main outcomes of the online stakeholder dialogue organized by the project “Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia”,...
Disponible sur:English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 19-08
Document de travail, 2019
A better and more complete understanding of family farms is urgently needed to guide policy makers’ efforts towards achieving a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This paper takes stock of the number of farms...
Disponible sur:English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 19-07
Document de travail, 2019
Does receiving information on potential adverse weather conditions induce adaptive responses by smallholders? Do market institutions ease constraints to adaptation of these practices? This report examines these questions using a unique panel dataset of Zambian...
Disponible sur:English
October–December 2019
Produit d’information, 2019
The Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) Report on Food Security and Agriculture is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It provides a quarterly forward-looking analysis of major disaster risks...
Disponible sur:English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 19
Note de politique, 2019
Food loss and waste reduction is considered important for improving food security and nutrition, promoting environmental sustainability and lowering production costs. However, it is not a given that reducing food loss and waste in any...
Disponible sur:English
Aller plus loin dans la réduction des pertes et gaspillages de denrées alimentaires
Publication phare, 2019
Réduire les pertes et les gaspillages de denrées alimentaires est un impératif qui fait partie intégrante du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030. De l’avis général, la réduction des pertes et gaspillages alimentaires peut...
Aller plus loin dans la réduction des pertes et gaspillages de denrées alimentaires
Publication phare, 2019
Version abrégée de la publication phare de la FAO, La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture (SOFA) 2019, cette brochure contient les principaux messages et le contenu de la publication et est destiné aux...
FAO resilience analysis report No.19
Étude technique, 2019
In collaboration with the Resilience Measurement Unit under the Office of the Prime Minister in Uganda, the report compiles information on the status of food security and resilience of refugee and host community households in...
Disponible sur:English