Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

EX-ACT country case study – Viet Nam
Étude de cas par pays, 2017
This working document presents the results of an EX-ACT Greenhouse Gas appraisal of the "Mekong Delta Integrated Climate Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Project (MD-ICRSL)" conducted with the MD-ICRSL team during the EX-ACT workshop organized by...
Disponible sur:English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 17-07
Document de travail, 2017
El Salvador is a peculiar case in that over three decades it has faced two different types of violence consecutively (the civil war and widespread post-war violence), which have had different impacts on food security....
Disponible sur:English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 17-06
Document de travail, 2017
The relationships between food security and violent conflicts are conditioned, mediated and influenced by the specific context in which they take place. In the case of Colombia, the main mechanism whereby the armed conflict has had a...
Disponible sur:English
Produit d’information, 2017
Contract farming session report: Making the connection - value chains for transforming smallholder agriculture. This short report can act as a brief in order to improve the understanding on the benefits and challenges of contract...
Disponible sur:English
Produit d’information, 2017
The effects of climate change on agricultural systems are multidimensional. Identifying appropriate policies and investment to enhance the productivity and resilience of these systems, therefore, requires a multidisciplinary approach. This brief summarizes key findings from...
Disponible sur:English
Synthèse del Forum FSN
Étude de cas par pays, 2017
Ce document présente la synthèse de la discussion en ligne Quel rôle les services de vulgarisation et de conseil agricoles peuvent-ils jouer pour parvenir à l’égalité des sexes et améliorer la nutrition? tenue sur le...
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FAO Baseline impact evaluation report N. 2
Étude technique, 2017
The region of Karamoja, located in the northeast of Uganda, is an area of particular interest to many humanitarian organizations for several reasons: food insecurity is a major challenge in the region; conflict both between...
Disponible sur:English
Manuel/directives, 2017
The Inclusive Business Model (IBM) training of trainers package aims to improve the delivery and quality of results of smallholder-market linkage initiatives. The training orients development practitioners to take into account the needs of small...
Disponible sur:English
EX-ACT blue carbon case study – Gabon
Étude de cas par pays, 2017
This report presents the results of an Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) Greenhouse Gas appraisal of the project “Sustainable management of critical wetland ecosystems” in Gabon. The project aims to improve protection of biodiversity in selected...
Disponible sur:English
Quick guidance
Manuel/directives, 2017
In order to facilitate the different activities of targeting climate change mitigation in agriculture, decision makers can today choose from a wider range of available greenhouse gas (GHG) tools. These tools follow different main objectives...
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