Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

Mettre les systèmes alimentaires au service d’une transformation rurale inclusive
Publication phare, 2017
Version abrégée de la publication phare de la FAO, La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2017, cette brochure est destiné aux médias, aux décideurs politiques et à un plus large public. Des informations complémentaires...
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Disentangling the nexus between conflict, food security and peace
Étude technique, 2017
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 2. It is generally assumed that there are strong links between conflict, food security and peace. However, the precise underlying causes and channels that determine these links are often...
Disponible sur:English
Produit d’information, 2017
The 39th Annual Meeting of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) was hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome on the 14th June 2017. The DCED brings...
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Findings from WFP’s Purchase for Progress initiative and Brazil’s food procurement programmes
Étude technique, 2017
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 1. Institutional food procurement programmes (IFPPs) refer to initiatives that are designed to link institutional demand for food to broader development objectives. In developing countries, IFPPs are increasingly viewed...
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Renforcer la résilience pour favoriser la paix et la sécurité alimentaire
Publication phare, 2017
La communauté internationale s’est engagée à éliminer la faim et toute forme de malnutrition dans le monde d’ici à 2030. Des progrès importants ont certes été accomplis, mais les situations de conflit et les catastrophes...
Renforcer la résilience pour favoriser la paix et la sécurité alimentaire
Publication phare, 2017
Une version abrégée de la publication phare de la FAO, L’état de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition dans le monde 2017 (SOFI), destinée aux médias, aux décideurs politiques et au grand public. L’édition...
Disponible sur:English français Español
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 17-05
Document de travail, 2017
In this paper, we evaluate the impact of this proposed change to the existing FISP design and implementation mechanisms by utilizing two waves of the Living Standards Measurement Study - Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA)survey...
Disponible sur:English
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 2
Note de politique, 2017
Crop diversification is often promoted as a strategy to achieve climate resilience. However, the benefits to crop diversification may vary depending on household resource endowments. For farm households with few resources, as shown by studies...
Disponible sur:English
Étude technique, 2017
Argentina country fact sheet provides a glimpse of the overarching agriculture, food security and nutrition policy frameworks and highlight trends in key national policy decisions affecting producers, consumers and trade in the country. The fact...
Disponible sur:English
Étude technique, 2017
Tunisia country fact sheet provides a glimpse of the overarching agriculture, food security and nutrition policy frameworks and highlight trends in key national policy decisions affecting producers, consumers and trade in the country. The fact...
Disponible sur:English