Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

Produit d’information, 2014
In Cambodia, the government has given increasing priority to commercial rice production by promoting higher yield seeds and expanding irrigation and post production infrastructure. Relevant reforms have been adopted in favour of the fisheries sector....
Disponible sur:English
ESA Working Paper 14-02
Document de travail, 2014
The agricultural economics literature provides various estimates of the number of farms and small farms in the world. This paper is an effort to provide a more complete and up to date as well as...
Disponible sur:English
ESA Working Paper 14-01
Document de travail, 2014
We examine the nature of relationship between prices of crude oil, ethanol and grains (maize, wheat and rice). Our working hypothesis is that profit maximization, the US biofuel policies and automotive engine technology give rise...
Disponible sur:English
Étude technique, 2014
Based on extensive research, document reviews and country level surveys, the report covers a broad range of food security and agricultural development policy decisions implemented over the period 2007-2012. More than 70 countries in Africa,...
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Livre/chapitre d’un livre, 2013
The synthesis report by FAO’s Monitoring African Food and Agricultural Policies (MAFAP) unit, is the first ever attempt to systematically analyze agriculture and food security policies in several African countries, using common methodology over years....
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ESA Working Paper 13-07
Document de travail, 2013
Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa must undergo significant productivity improvements to meet the combined challenges of population growth and climate change. A proposed means of achieving such improvements is increased use of a ‘climate-smart agriculture’ approach...
Disponible sur:English
Note de politique, 2013
De 2005 à 2010, les éleveurs de bovins du Mali ont reçu des prix nettement en dessous du prix de référence de la sous-région. Cela est du en majeure partie à l’absence de politique forte...
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Les multiples dimensions de la sécurité alimentaire
Publication phare, 2013
L'édition de 2013 de L'État de l'insécurité alimentaire dans le monde contient les dernières estimations de la sous-alimentation et décrit les progrès accomplis en matière de réalisation des cibles de lutte contre la faim fixées...
Étude de cas par pays, 2013
The Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) is the first global framework adopted by consensus, by governments, which systematically mainstreams the right to adequate food and human rights into policies relevant to...
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Note de politique, 2013
Entre 2005 et 2010, les producteurs de riz au Burkina Faso ont reçu des prix supérieurs aux prix de référence internationaux ce qui a été cohérent avec les objectifs politiques du gouvernement c’est-à-dire l’incitation à...
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