Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

Note de politique, 2013
En recevant des prix supérieurs aux prix internationaux de référence, les producteurs de coton burkinabè ont reçu des incitations à la production et ceci grâce à la mise en place du mécanisme de fonds de...
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Note de politique, 2013
Au Burkina Faso, les dépenses publiques pour l’agriculture et le développement rural n’ont pas été orientées de manière à limiter l’impact des principaux facteurs affectant les prix des produits de base. Il s’agit du faible...
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A research guide for the From Protection to Production project
Étude de cas par pays, 2013
This Qualitative Research Guide describes in detail the sequencing and timing of the research process to be implemented in each country: training, fieldwork preparation and a simple and clear fieldwork roadmap. To achieve comparability and...
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ESA Working Paper 13-06
Document de travail, 2013
Micronutrients are defined as substances in foods that are essential for human health and are required in small amounts. They include all of the known vitamins and essential trace minerals. Micronutrient malnutrition affects a third...
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ESA Working Paper 13-05
Document de travail, 2013
We examine how the transformation of food value chains (FVCs) influence the triple malnutrition burden (undernourishment, micronutrient deficiencies and over-nutrition) in developing countries. We propose a FVC typology (modern, traditional, modern-to-traditional, and traditional-to-modern) that takes...
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ESA Working Paper 13-04
Document de travail, 2013
Recent evidence on malnutrition and poverty raise important questions on the role of food assistance policies and programs. In this review article, we examine evidence on the economic and nutritional impacts of international food assistance...
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Note de politique, 2013
To make the URT’s rice sector more completive, MAFAP analysis suggests: • promoting investments at the farm level to help increase yields and efficiency; and • strengthening the rice value chain to increase its efficiency and...
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Note de politique, 2013
Although coffee is the URT’s second most important agricultural export, coffee growers receive prices which are lower than those they could potentially obtain. Lower farmers’ prices mainly relate to a few companies’ dominance of the...
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ESA Working Paper 13-03
Document de travail, 2013
Rice self-sufficiency is a key objective of most Asian governments, yet attaining that objective has been elusive for several countries over extended periods of time; long-term status as an exporter or importer is relatively constant,...
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ESA Working Paper 13-02
Document de travail, 2013
Developing country food systems have changed dramatically since the Green Revolution period. At the same time, malnutrition still represents a challenge and is now understood to encompass the three simultaneous dimensions of undernourishment, micronutrient deficiencies,...
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