Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

ESA Working Paper 06-06
Document de travail, 2006
While sustainable economic growth, poverty reduction, and the management of migration flows are among the most pressing items on the policy agenda in Albania, very little systematic analysis exists of the income generating strategies of...
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ESA Working Paper 06-05
Document de travail, 2006
This paper surveys the existing empirical evidence on the unintended consequences of food aid. Micro-level evidence is presented on the impacts of food aid deliveries on household labour supply, production incentives, consumption patterns and natural...
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ESA Working Paper 06-04
Document de travail, 2006
The impact of payment for environmental services (PES) on poverty varies. Generally, PES is good for landowners and may negatively affect consumers if food demand is inelastic. Impacts also depend on the correlation between poverty...
Disponible sur:English
Articles de presse, 2006
As shown empirically for many transition economies, even small changes in assumptions on economies of size and adult equivalence scales are likely to produce significant changes in the analysis of poverty and its distribution across...
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Articles de presse, 2006
Egypt is on track to achieve its long-term goal of reducing the poverty rate to 6 percent by 2022. Continued progress towards this goal will require rapid employment growth for which agriculture growth, through its...
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An econometric evaluation of the impact of the PROGRESA and PROCAMPO transfer programs on food security in rural Mexico
Articles de presse, 2006
This paper examines the PROGRESA and PROCAMPO cash transfer programs in Mexico and evaluates their impact on household food security and nutrition. These two programs differ in their gender targeting, with PROGRESA aimed at women...
Disponible sur:English
Articles de presse, 2006
In developing countries poverty is generally measured with expenditure data. Such data are difficult and costly to obtain and it is generally recommended to collect them every 3-5 years. In between surveys, however, there is...
Disponible sur:English
Articles de presse, 2006
This paper deals with consumption dynamics and its effects on poverty. An econometric model is proposed in which changes in consumption across time are seen as fluctuations around the level of consumption that each family...
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Articles de presse, 2006
Albania is a country on the move. This mobility plays a key role in household-level strategies to cope with the economic hardship of transition. With the relaxing of controls on emigration at the beginning of...
Disponible sur:English
ESA Working Paper 06-03
Document de travail, 2006
Wheat is central to the government of Egypt’s food security policy which is based on increasing self-sufficiency in wheat on the one hand and subsidizing bread for consumers on the other hand. This paper uses...
Disponible sur:English