Économie agroalimentaire


Série de publications

Publications récentes

ESA Working Paper 06-01
Document de travail, 2006
Alleviating hunger and poverty has been and continues to be the pre-dominant policy challenge facing global and national decision makers. This paper argues that policy interventions for addressing this challenge should be designed in the...
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Articles de presse, 2006
This article evaluates the effectiveness of ex-post targeting of the direct payment program for mountain agriculture in Japan. A regression analysis explaining the entry into the program shows that the farm profitability and the production...
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Articles de presse, 2006
The purpose of this survey is to review the available empirical evidence on the impacts of agricultural trade liberalization on poverty – considering both the impact of domestic and international liberalization. Since trade liberalization is...
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Information papers and case studies
Étude de cas par pays, 2006
The latest major international development concerning the right to food took place in FAO in November 2004 when its Council unanimously adopted the Voluntary Guidelines on the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food...
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Étude technique, 2005
The purpose of this paper is to describe the methodology developed in the first phase of the project, for an empirical study of the economic relationship between seed systems, access to crop genetic resources and...
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ESA Working Paper 05-11
Document de travail, 2005
Improving access to food through broad-based participation in income-generating activities in key agricultural supply chains, together with the development of safety nets that protect the welfare of Liberia’s diverse types of vulnerable individuals and households...
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ESA Working Paper 05-10
Document de travail, 2005
Food security is a complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon. As such, its measurement may entail and benefit from the combination of both “qualitative-subjective” and “quantitative-objective” indicators. Yet, the evidence on the external validity of subjective-type information...
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ESA Working Paper 05-09
Document de travail, 2005
The past four decades have seen two waves of agricultural technology development and diffusion to developing countries. The first wave was initiated by the Green Revolution in which an explicit strategy for technology development and diffusion targeting...
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ESA Working Paper 05-08
Document de travail, 2005
Broad changes are taking place in agrifood systems worldwide. These changes are driven by economic development, increase in per caput incomes, changing technology and urbanization. Consumers are changing their dietary preferences and shopping habits, resulting...
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ESA Working Paper 05-07
Document de travail, 2005
While traditional food security analysis offers an ex post view on who the food insecure are and why they are so, looking at food insecurity from a vulnerability perspective provides a dynamic and forward-looking way...
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