Последние публикации
Журнальные статьи, 2000
In a long-term continuous cropping experiment at Los Baños, Philippines, three rice (Oryza sativa L.) crops were grown each year with the goals of maximum annual grain production and high N use efficiency. Our objective...
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Журнальные статьи, 2000
In this article we focus on the link between nutrition and health and labor productivity. The link between productivity and consumption and
its impact on wages was first explored among others by H. Leibenstein, J. E....
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Журнальные статьи, 2000
This paper analyzes yield trends in 30 long-term experiments (LTEs) conducted at 24 sites with intensive rice monoculture or rice-upland crop systems in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. The objectives of the analysis were...
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Журнальные статьи, 2000
This paper makes several points based on a review of household survey evidence from Africa, Asia and Latin America. (i) In contrast to conventional wisdom, the evidence is very mixed as to the effect of...
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Журнальные статьи, 2000
Using data from a representative 1989 household survey for Italy we estimate random-coefficient earnings frontiers by gender, marital status and location. These estimates are used to calculate discrimination indices. Our results show that fixed coefficients...
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Журнальные статьи, 2000
In this paper, we examine whether the causes and patterns of Mexican rural female migration differ significantly from rural male migration. A number of hypotheses are discussed to explain why female migration may differ from...
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