Агропродовольственная экономика


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October - December 2017
Информационный продукт, 2017
This forward-looking report highlights major disaster risks to food security and agriculture in the indicated reporting period. When a new emergency or deterioration of the current situation is very likely and might have severe impacts,...
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FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 1
Краткое изложение политики, 2017
The brief contains recommendations and a framework for developing an Institutional Food Procurement Programme (IFPP) based on lessons from ten case study appraisals of WFP's purchase for progress initiative and Brazil's national food procurement programmes....
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FAO Agricultural development economics working paper 17-02
Рабочий документ, 2017
This paper examines the main issues affecting producers of export crops in Malawi that could compromise the attainment of the National Export Strategy (NES) 2013-2018 targets. The analysis assesses the level of policy support to...
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Техническое исследование, 2017
This technical report reviews issues related to fertilizers access in Tanzania and identify policy options that would enable smallholder farmers to continue to access fertilizer at reasonable prices, also in the absence of subsidies. Where...
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FAO resilience analysis report No. 8
Техническое исследование, 2017
This report is part of a series of country level analyses prepared by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policies (RAP) Team. The series aims at providing programming and policy guidance to policy makers, practitioners, UN...
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Информационный продукт, 2017
This brief addresses the issue of limited farmer access to quality seed of Irish potato varieties in demand in local markets, which is a severe constraint for the potato sector in eastern Africa. It provides...
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Техническое исследование, 2017
Malgré l’existence d’une taxe à l’importation, d’une période de gel annuel des importations et d’un prix plancher conseillé, les producteurs n’ont pas bénéficié de prix aussi rémunérateurs que les grossistes et les importateurs en raison...
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Техническое исследование, 2017
L’objectif de cette note technique est d’analyser l’évolution des dépenses publiques en soutien à l’agriculture et l’alimentation (DPAA) au Burkina Faso. La présente analyse s’emploie à identifier l’évolution du soutien aux sous-secteurs de l’agriculture et...
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July - September 2017
Информационный продукт, 2017
The Global Early Warning - Early Action System (EWEA) report on food security and agriculture is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through its EWEA. The system aims to...
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Журнальные статьи, 2017
Climate change is posing an increasingly severe challenge to agricultural livelihoods due to increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Livelihood diversification can play an important role in decreasing food insecurity and vulnerability under...
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