Агропродовольственная экономика


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Страновое тематическое исседование, 2008
FAO leads a project in Central Mozambique, funded by the Belgian Survival Fund, to improve food security and nutrition in communities affected by HIV/AIDS (GCP/MOZ/079/BEL). A baseline survey of 4 districts was conducted in December...
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Журнальные статьи, 2008
This article questions the effectiveness and viability of Tax to Fee reform (Fee Gai Shui) on water resources and agriculture production. The Fee Gai Shui reform has been heralded as a possible solution for reducing the...
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Журнальные статьи, 2008
Geography suggests that Indonesia will continue as a net rice importer for the foreseeable future, because it is an island nation without dominant river deltas providing abundant water and flat land suitable for rice growing....
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Журнальные статьи, 2008
Os programas de Transferência Condicionada de Renda (TCR) passaram a dominar o setor de proteção social na América Latina e no Caribe durante a última década (1). A maioria dos países da região ou está...
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Журнальные статьи, 2008
Using data from the 2003 Albania Panel Survey, the paper sets out to achieve two main objectives. First, we fully characterize the evolution of Albanian international migration since the fall of Communism in 1990. We distinguish...
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Краткое изложение политики, 2008
Access to seed of locally adapted crops - both landraces and improved varieties - is crucial for farmers to maintain and increase the productivity of basic food crops. Access is defined by three dimensions: physical...
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Руководство/рекомендации, 2008
This practical guide gives guidelines and suggestions for writing effective high impact policy briefs.
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Rice marketing margins in the Philippines and Thailand
Журнальные статьи, 2008
Rice marketing margins are substantially greater in the Philippines than in Thailand despite many similarities between the two systems and despite the fact that Philippine rice marketing has a competitive structure. We found that rice...
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ESA Working Paper 08-03
Рабочий документ, 2008
International cereal prices (in US dollar terms) have been increasing since 2003, but it is domestic prices that affect food consumption and production. This paper analyzes, for seven large Asian countries, the extent to which...
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Журнальные статьи, 2008
Maize diversity is important to the livelihoods of millions of farmers in Mexico, the crop's centre of origin; to maize breeders seeking new genetic material; and to producers and consumers worldwide. Key social processes that...
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