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Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
Краткое изложение политики, 2016
This note focuses on the topic of livestock in protracted crises, presenting the callenges and some possible solutions, illustrated by case studies from FAO interventions in such contexts. Protracted crises are one of the most...
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Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
Краткое изложение политики, 2016
This note focuses on the topic of distress migration and youth in protracted crises, and the possible solutions from the JFFLS approach, using case studies of FAO interventions. Migration is a common phenomenon in protracted...
Найти на:English
Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
Краткое изложение политики, 2016
This note focuses on the topic of access to fuel and energy in protracted crises, and the possible solutions using the SAFE approach, illustrated by case studies from FAO's interventions in protracted crisis situations. Access...
Найти на:English
Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
Краткое изложение политики, 2016
This note focuses on the topic of social protection in protracted crises, presenting some possible approaches and its contribution to food security and nutrition, illustrated by case studies from FAO interventions in such contexts. The...
Найти на:English
Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
Краткое изложение политики, 2016
This note focuses on the topic of gender in protracted crisis situations. It advocates that FAO’s mandate to achieve food security for all by raising levels of nutrition, increasing agricultural productivity and natural resource management,...
Найти на:English
Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
Краткое изложение политики, 2016
This note focuses on the topic of access to land and land governance in protracted crises, providing some possible solutions illustrated by case studies from FAO interventions in such contexts. Protracted crisis represent a signal...
Найти на:English
ESA Working Paper 16-07
Рабочий документ, 2016
This paper aims at presenting empirical evidence from Zambia to better understand the linkages between climatic shocks, livelihood diversification and welfare outcomes with the goal of highlighting potential policy entry points to incentivize the types...
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Изменение климата, сельское хозяйство и продовольственная безопасность
Основной отчет, 2016
Если сегодня мы не примем меры, призванные сделать наше сельское хозяйство более устойчивым, продуктивным и невосприимчивым к внешним воздействиям, последствия изменения климата станут серьезно угрожать производству продовольствия в странах и регионах, которые и без того...
Climate change, agriculture and food security
Основной отчет, 2016
This booklet summarizes the main information and conclusions of the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2016 report. Unless action is taken now to make agriculture more sustainable, productive and resilient, climate change impacts will seriously compromise...
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ESA Working Paper 16-06
Рабочий документ, 2016
This document provides a full description of FAO’s partial equilibrium modelling system known as GAPS. GAPS has been developed by FAO to study the development of global food markets in the long-term and to assess...
Найти на:English