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ESA Working Paper 16-03
Рабочий документ, 2016
Food security in Tanzania is projected to deteriorate as a result of climate change. In spite of the Government’s efforts to promote agricultural practices that improve productivity and food security, adoption rates of such practices...
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ESA Working Paper 16-02
Рабочий документ, 2016
This paper provides fresh empirical evidence on the adaptation process to face climate changes through the analysis of original cross-sectional data collected at household-level in Niger. In particular, we identify the main drivers and barriers...
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ESA Working Paper 16-01
Рабочий документ, 2016
Resilience is, nowadays, one of the keywords in the policy debate on development. Measuring resilience and how it varies over time is dramatically important for policy makers and people living in risk-prone environments. This paper applies...
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Информационный продукт, 2016
This report is part of a series of country level analysis prepared by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policy (RAP) Team. The series aims at providing programming and policy guidance to policy makers, practitioners, UN...
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From Protection to Production policy brief
Краткое изложение политики, 2015
The Social Cash Transfer (SCT) programme is Zambia’s flagship social protection cash transfer programme. The Child Grant (CG) model of the SCT, established in 2010 by the Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health,...
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An analysis based on household data from nine countries
Информационный продукт, 2015
Based on an innovative smallholder-specific dataset, this report illustrates the lives of smallholder farmers in nine developing and emerging countries, using economics to analyze data from rural household surveys. It examines different dimensions of smallholders’...
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The economic lives of smallholder farmers An analysis based on household data from nine countries
Техническое исследование, 2015
Based on an innovative smallholder-specific dataset, this report illustrates the lives of smallholder farmers in nine developing and emerging countries, using economics to analyze data from rural household surveys. It examines different dimensions of smallholders’...
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From Protection to Production research brief
Страновое тематическое исседование, 2015
Zimbabwe’s Harmonized Social Cash Transfer Programme (HSCT) is implemented by the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. The programme is jointly funded by the Government of Zimbabwe, the UK’s Department for International Development...
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Краткое изложение политики, 2015
This policy brief addresses the question of the economic drivers of both deforestation and forest degradation (DD) in Zambia. It develops a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario to support reference levels for greenhouse gas (GHC) emissions. The...
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Страновое тематическое исседование, 2015
This study forms part of seven country case studies carried out as part of the FAO’s From Protection to Production (PtoP) programme. Zambia was selected as one of the countries given the substantial role played...
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