Агропродовольственная экономика


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Журнальные статьи, 2005
This paper is an action oriented document and hopefully a contribution to the methodologies to build policy makers’ capacities in negotiation. It is also, hopefully, a contribution to better address the difficult task of strengthening...
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Журнальные статьи, 2005
Rice is the largest user of water in Asia, probably accounting for more than half of irrigation water withdrawals. Two key trends in the Asian rice economy that may be affecting water productivity are the...
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Журнальные статьи, 2005
Liberalization of Egyptian agricultural policy and new wheat technology has led to significant increases in area allocated to wheat as well as wheat yields. The wheat self-sufficiency ratio increased from 21 percent in 1986 to...
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ESA Working Paper 05-02
Рабочий документ, 2005
This paper analyses recent patterns of migration and poverty in Albania, a country that following the collapse of the communist regime in 1990 – has been experiencing high migration rates. Using a combination of survey...
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Eradicating world hunger – key to achieving the Millennium Development Goals
Основной отчет, 2005
Only ten years now remain before the 2015 deadline by which world leaders have pledged to reduce hunger and extreme poverty by half and to make substantial gains in education, health, social equity, environmental sustainability...
Журнальные статьи, 2005
This paper examines international trends in plant variety protection, a form of intellectual property rights for plant varieties akin to patents. The TRIPs Agreement under the WTO has given a strong impetus for the universalisation...
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Журнальные статьи, 2005
This paper draws upon development economics theory, demographic projections, and empirical evidence to consider the likely consequences of the HIV/AIDS pandemic for the agricultural sector of the hardest-hit countries of Eastern and Southern Africa. We...
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ESA Working Paper 05-01
Рабочий документ, 2005
In developing countries poverty is generally measured with expenditure data. Such data are difficult and costly to obtain and it is generally recommended to collect them every 3-5 years. In between surveys, however, there is...
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Журнальные статьи, 2005
Social protection aims to provide a national platform for smoothly transitioning from a chaotic collection of shock responses to an institutionalized system for risk and non-risk management. For the poorest, the transition aims to move...
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Журнальные статьи, 2005
For Bangladesh food security was synonymous with achieving self-sufficiency in rice production and stabilization in rice prices. The country has made good progress in increasing rice production through technological progress, facilitated by private sector investment...
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