Agrifood Economics

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Papers

About the series (ISSN 2521-1838)

The FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper series, also known as ESA Working Paper series, was created in 2001 and it collects research and policy analysis on agricultural and economic development. The aim of the series is strengthening the capacity of member countries to improve decision-making on food security and nutrition, resilience, climate-smart agriculture, sustainable markets, agribusinesses and rural transformations.

ESA Working Paper 04-13
Working paper, 2004
Using evidence from two recent data sources – the 2002 Albania Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) and the 2001 Population Census of Albania – the paper documents the phenomena of internal and external migration in...
Available in:English
ESA Working Paper 04-12
Working paper, 2004
As shown empirically for many transition economies, even small changes in assumptions on economies of size and adult equivalence scales are likely to produce significant changes in the analysis of poverty and its distribution...
Available in:English
ESA Working Paper 04-11
Working paper, 2004
This report documents the main findings of the vulnerable profiling work carried out in Viet Nam, in cooperation with national partners and under the framework of a UNDP “Policy and Strategy for Sustainable Food Security...
Available in:English
ESA Working Paper 04-10
Working paper, 2004
This report documents the main findings of vulnerable group profiling work in Nepal. It identifies the characteristics and investigates the vulnerability for seven particular livelihood groups, notably marginal farm households in the Terai, in the...
Available in:English
ESA Working Paper 04-09
Working paper, 2004
The full benefits of agricultural biotechnology will only be realized if consumers and food manufacturers consider it safe and beneficial. Although few internationally comparable public opinion surveys have been conducted on this issue, the available...
Available in:English
ESA Working Paper 04-08
Working paper, 2004
Global adoption of transgenic crops reached 67.7 million hectares in 2003 from 2.8 million in 1996. Delivery has occurred almost entirely through the private sector and adoption has been rapid in areas where the crops...
Available in:English
ESA Working Paper 04-07
Working paper, 2004
The pattern of crop genetic diversity has changed over the past two centuries with the modernization of agriculture, accelerating with the advent of the green revolution. Since the green revolution, the locus of agricultural research...
Available in:English
ESA Working Paper 04-06
Working paper, 2004
This paper considers how the design of agricultural policies and programmes might be modified to better achieve policy objectives in the context of severe HIV epidemics and underscores the central role of agricultural policy in...
Available in:English
ESA Working Paper 04-05
Working paper, 2004
This paper examines the change in the nature of food demand in India in the last twenty years. It identifies two distinct stages of diet transition associated with the period of economic growth. During the...
Available in:English
ESA Working Paper 04-04
Working paper, 2004
This paper outlines a methodological approach for use by FAO to collect, analyze and monitor agricultural policy indicators (API) for developing countries. The aim is to establish a consistent and comparable set of policy indicators,...
Available in:English