



FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 6
政策简报, 2018
Agriculture remains the single most important employer in many developing country, as there are about 200 million unemployed nowadays and many more underemployed. Opportunities arise in agriculture and food systems thanks to a growing middle...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 18-01
工作文件, 2018
Good institutions are a fundamental pre-requisite to successfully achieve structural transformation in growing developing countries (UNECA, 2016). Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing a rapid growth but a weak and slow structural transformation process, which is mainly...
信息产品, 2018
In contract farming schemes, the process of developing the contract is very important for building long-lasting trust between farmers and buyers. As a common best practice, the whole contract formation process should be carried out...
信息产品, 2017
Contract farming session report: Making the connection - value chains for transforming smallholder agriculture. This short report can act as a brief in order to improve the understanding on the benefits and challenges of contract...
信息产品, 2017
The 39th Annual Meeting of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) was hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome on the 14th June 2017. The DCED brings...
Findings from WFP’s Purchase for Progress initiative and Brazil’s food procurement programmes
技术研究, 2017
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 1. Institutional food procurement programmes (IFPPs) refer to initiatives that are designed to link institutional demand for food to broader development objectives. In developing countries, IFPPs are increasingly viewed...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 17-03
工作文件, 2017
We analyse allocative efficiency of major input factors for farmers in Kenya. Marginal value products are estimated for land, labor, inorganic fertilizer and seeds, at the farm household level and compared with marginal costs as...
信息产品, 2017
This brief addresses the issue of limited farmer access to quality seed of Irish potato varieties in demand in local markets, which is a severe constraint for the potato sector in eastern Africa. It provides...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 17-01
工作文件, 2017
This paper provides new empirical evidence on the nexus between farm production diversification and household diet diversity in East Africa. Starting with a conceptual framework for the pathways from agriculture to nutrition, we use data...
ESA Working Paper 16-05
工作文件, 2016
This paper assesses past trends in agricultural land and labour productivity, as a test whether it is feasible to meet the SDG target 2.3, namely doubling productivity and incomes of smallholders within a 15-year time...
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