



Monitoring incentives in low- and middle-income countries during the first wave of COVID-19
工作文件, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper, No. 22-06. COVID-19 has resulted in a shock to agrifood systems around the world, with the potential for low- and middle-income countries to be particularly affected. Although policy responses were...
政策简报, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 48. This brief summarizes the findings of the FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 22-04 Repurposing agriculture's public budget to align healthy diets affordability and agricultural transformation objectives in...
Background paper for The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 22-04
工作文件, 2022
Agricultural transformation has been ongoing for decades in Ethiopia where the agenda to improve nutrition has also gained momentum. This paper assesses ways in which the government could coherently pursue the objectives of reducing the...
主要报告, 2021
COVID-19疫情暴露了农业粮食体系在遭受冲击和压力时的不堪一击,同时还加剧了全球粮食不安全和营养不良。全世界亟需采取行动,提高农业粮食体系的韧性、效率、可持续性和包容性。 《2021年粮食及农业状况》提出了国家层面的农业粮食体系韧性指标。这些指标旨在衡量初级生产和粮食供应的稳健程度,以及在物质上和经济上获取粮食的机会;因此,有助于评估国家农业粮食体系消化冲击和压力的能力 — 这也是评估韧性的关键方面。  本报告分析了粮食供应链的脆弱性以及农村家庭如何应对风险和冲击。建设韧性可能与提高效率和包容性之间存在各种权衡取舍。报告讨论了最大限度减少这种取舍的备选方案,以便为政策制定者提供指导,加强粮食供应链的韧性,支持农业粮食体系的生计,并在面临冲击时,确保所有人可持续获得充足、安全、有营养的食物。  与主发布的其他材料也可用: 在线阅读 在线阅读全本数字报告 视图 互动故事 下载宣 概要
主要报告, 2021
本概要为联合国粮农组织旗舰出版物《 2021年粮食及农业状况》(SOFA)的简本,其包含该出版物的主要信息和要点,以媒体、决策者和更广泛的读者为目标受众。 与主发布的其他材料也可用: 在线阅读 在线阅读全本数字报告 视图 互动故事 下载宣 完整報告
政策简报, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 43. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was not on track to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030. In 2019, nearly 3 billion people could not afford a healthy...
政策简报, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 42. Agrifood systems are supported by transport networks. Robust transport networks can prevent or limit increases in travel time – and consequent impacts on food costs – when an...
政策简报, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 41. Diverse sourcing of food through international trade is a key strategy for building agrifood systems' resilience because it buffers the food supply against shocks and stresses. Enhancing diversity...
A multi-country analysis
技术研究, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 14. Transport infrastructure and logistics, not least domestic food transport networks, are an integral part of agrifood systems, and play a fundamental role in ensuring physical access to food....
Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 21-10
工作文件, 2021
The food systems concept has attracted a considerable amount of attention as it provides an opportunity to better understand and represent the array of factors that explain food security in a comprehensive and holistic manner....
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