



主要报告, 2022
This report aims at inspiring strategic thinking and actions to transform agrifood systems towards a sustainable, resilient and inclusive future, by building on both previous reports in the same series as well as on a...
Summary version
主要报告, 2022
本报告汲取了同一系列前两份报告以及启迪了粮农组织《2022-31年战略框架》的全组织战略前瞻活动的养分,旨在启发战略思考和行动,推动农业粮食体系转向可持续、韧性和包容性的未来。报告中分析了农业粮食体系的重要驱动力量,探讨了这些趋势会如何影响农业粮食体系、社会经济和环境体系的未来走向。本报告力求传达的最根本信息是,如果转型的关键“诱导因素”得以适度启动,我们仍有可能推动农业粮食体系实现可持续和韧性发展。然而,启动这些诱导因素的战略政策方案必须要“更加高明”,要能逾越盘根错节的利益、秘而不宣的计划以及相互矛盾的目标,要舍弃不可持续的短期成绩换取长期的可持续性、韧性和包容性。 Read the full report in English. The future of food and agriculture series is available at www.fao.org/global-perspectives-studies/fofa.
信息产品, 2022
At the heart of this product is the introduction of Shiny RIMA and its advantages as a tool for the monitoring and measurement of resilience. Particularly, this guidance note focuses on today’s relevance of the...
Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2022
技术研究, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 25. Digital and automation solutions can solve labour bottlenecks, increase agricultural productivity, resilience and efficiency, and improve environmental sustainability. However, access is limited in low- and lower-middle-income countries, especially...
Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2022
技术研究, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 24. Digital and automation solutions for precision agriculture can improve efficiency, productivity, product quality and sustainability. Nevertheless, barriers to adoption of such solutions – including their cost, lack of...
政策简报, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 57. This policy brief highlights the main challenges of public spending on food and agriculture in selected sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries. Public spending – or expenditure – on food...
政策简报, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 56. This policy brief highlights the main findings of a new methodology to identify geographical areas where, in theory, investments are likely to have big impacts in terms of...
An application to Uganda
工作文件, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper, No. 22-12. In this paper, we propose a simple methodology to select a limited number of geographical areas to prioritize for commodity-specific investments in Uganda. Similar to other approaches for...
主要报告, 2022
自二十世纪初以来,自动化便一直与全球农业相生相伴。机动机械化成 效斐然 — 提高生产力,减轻繁重负担,提升劳动力配置效率,但同时也带 来了一些不利的环境影响。近年来,数字农业自动化技术方兴未艾,一方面 有望进一步提高生产力,增强韧性,另一方面也能兼顾以往机械化作业带来 的环境可持续性挑战。 《2022年粮食及农业状况》探究农业自动化的驱动因素,包括新兴的数 字技术。本报告基于27 个案例研究,分析了全球各类农业生产体系采纳数 字自动化技术的商业逻辑。报告指出了阻碍此类技术得以包容性采纳的各 种障碍,尤其是小规模生产者面临的障碍。主要障碍包括数字技能不高,缺 少有利的基础设施,如通网和通电,此外还有资金限制。本出版物基于分析 提出,相关政策要确保发展中区域的弱势群体能够从农业自动化进程中受 益,且自动化进程要有利于建设可持续、有韧性的农业粮食体系。  与主发布的其他材料也可用: 在线阅读 在线阅读全本数字报告 下载宣 概要
主要报告, 2022
本概要为联合国粮农组织旗舰出版物《2022年粮食及农业状况》(SOFA)的简本,其包含该出版物的主要信息和要点,以媒体、决策者和更广泛的读者为目标受众。 与主发布的其他材料也可用: 在线阅读 在线阅读全本数字报告 下载宣 完整報告