



FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 19-04
工作文件, 2019
This working paper analyses the effect climate change is expected to have on agricultural productivity, caloric consumption, and vulnerability to food insecurity of household agricultural producers in Paraguay. Our results suggest that increasing temperatures and...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 15
政策简报, 2018
This policy brief analyses the outcomes of targeted early actions in Mongolia during the winter of 2017 to 2018, triggered by warnings that extreme weather posed a major risk to vulnerable livestock herders. It evaluates...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 18-07
工作文件, 2018
This paper examines the impact of the harsh 2012 winter on livestock herding households in Kyrgyzstan and identifies policy options to increase household resilience to such shocks. While existing studies mostly focus on rainfall shocks...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 18-06
工作文件, 2018
Climate variability and extreme events continue to impose significant challenges to households, particularly to those that are less resilient. By exploring the resilience capacity of rural Ethiopian households after the drought shock occurred in 2011,...
主要报告, 2018
移徙是一种不断发展的全球现象,千百万人通过移徙寻找新机遇。但移徙也会给移徙者以 及来源地 目的地社会带来挑战。本报告分析了国内和国际移民流以及移民流与经济发展进程、 人口变化和自 资源压力之间的关系。它聚焦农村移徙、移徙的多种形式及其在发展中国家和发 达国家发挥的重要作 本报告考察了农村移徙的驱动力和影响,重点突出相关政策优先重点与持续演变的国情之 间的相关 处于长期危机的国家、面临农村青年就业挑战的国家、处于经济和人口转型的国 家,以及需要移民 力的发达国家,将确定不同的优先重点,为农业和农村经济提供支持就是 其中的一项重要内容。 与主发布的其他材料也可用: 视图 数字报告 下载宣传册 English In-Brief 下载宣传册
Migration, agriculture and rural development
主要报告, 2018
A shorter version of the FAO flagship publication The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2018, the In Brief contains the key messages and main points from the publication and is aimed at the media,...
语言版本:English français Español
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 18-05
工作文件, 2018
Crop diversification is an important policy objective to promote climate change adaptation, yet the drivers and impacts of crop diversification vary considerably depending on the specific combinations of crops a farmer grows. This paper examines...
主要报告, 2018
今年有新的证据表明,世界饥饿状况出现恶化,这是去年的报告就观察到的一个现象,它提醒我们,如欲到2030年消除世界饥饿,就有必要采取更多行动。最新估计表明,过去三年饥饿人数不断增加,正向近十年以前的状况倒退。尽管在减少儿童发育迟缓方面继续有所进展,但五岁以下儿童仍有近22%受到影响。其他形式的营养不良问题也日益严重:不论国家收入水平如何,各国成人肥胖问题不断加剧,很多国家都在同时应对多种形式的营养不良,包括超重、肥胖、妇女贫血以及儿童发育迟缓和消瘦。去年的报告显示,世界饥饿未能减少,与全球若干地区冲突和暴力增加密不可分。一些国家的初步证据表明,气候相关事件也在损害粮食安全和营养。今年的报告进一步表明,即便没有发生冲突,气候变异和气候极端情况也构成了最近全球饥饿状况恶化的主要诱因,是引发严重粮食危机的重要因素之一。气候变异和暴露于更复杂、更频繁、更强烈的极端气候事件可能蚕食在消除饥饿和营养不良方面取得的进展乃至使其出现倒退。此外,在农业系统对降水、气温和严重干旱高度敏感、很大一部分人口依靠农业为生的国家,饥饿问题要严重得多。本报告揭示了消除饥饿、粮食不安全和一切形式营养不良方面的新挑战。迫切需要加快和扩大行动,增强人们及其生计抵御和适应气候变异和极端气候的能力。上述及其他发现都在2018年版《世界粮食安全和营养状况》做了详细介绍。 与主发布的其他材料也可用: 下载宣传册 English In-Brief 下载宣传册 下载宣传册
Building climate resilience for food security and nutrition
主要报告, 2018
A shorter version of the FAO flagship publication The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) 2018, the In Brief contains the key messages and main points from the publication and is...
语言版本:English français Español
信息产品, 2018
Resilience Marking is a participatory methodology. It employs empirical evidence to highlight the expected impact of a set of projects on the resilience of beneficiary households in a specific context. The methodology can be applied...
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