



Participant’s workbook
手册/准则, 2019
In 2018 FAO approved its Corporate Framework to Support Sustainable Peace in the Context of Agenda 2030, committing FAO to a more deliberate and transformative impact on sustaining peace, within the scope of its mandate....
Facilitation guide
手册/准则, 2019
In 2018 FAO approved its Corporate Framework to Support Sustainable Peace in the Context of Agenda 2030, committing FAO to a more deliberate and transformative impact on sustaining peace, within the scope of its mandate....
Approaches to working in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
手册/准则, 2019
In 2018 FAO approved its Corporate Framework to Support Sustainable Peace in the Context of Agenda 2030, committing FAO to a more deliberate and transformative impact on sustaining peace, within the scope of its mandate....
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 18
政策简报, 2019
The high cost to Ecuador’s national budget of maintaining a minimum guaranteed producer price for rice led to the introduction of a price bracket system in 2017. The minimum support price policy and a complimentary...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 17
政策简报, 2019
This policy brief analyses Ecuador’s trade, productive and price policies for maize and their effect on farmers’ level of protection. The minimum support price enacted until 2017, turned out to be a non-operative policy due...
EX-ACT case study
国别案例研究, 2019
This report is prepared to provide an ex-ante appraisal of the carbon-balance of the “Environmental Services Project” (ESP) of the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Swedish International Deveopment Cooperation Agency (SIDA)...
EX-ACT value chain case study
国别案例研究, 2019
This report is a case study of a multi-impact appraisal of a paddy value chain in India. The value chain is analysed from production to the distribution of rice into inner markets, comparing the performance...
EX-ACT value chain case study
国别案例研究, 2019
This report is a case study of a multi-impact appraisal of a cacao value chain in Haiti. The value chain is analysed from production to the distribution of rice to retailers, comparing the performance of...
July - September 2019
信息产品, 2019
The Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) report on food security and agriculture is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It provides a quarterly forward-looking analysis of major disaster risks...
主要报告, 2019
今年的报告通过实证证明,食物不足人口的绝对数在继续增长。报告还强调,粮食不安全不仅只意味着饥饿。报告首次通过实证证明,世界上有很多人即使不遭受饥饿,但面临着中度粮食不安全,无法确定有能力获取食物,被迫在自身所消费的食物质量和/或数量上做出牺牲。这一现象在世界各国均有存在,不仅包括低收入和中等收入国家,也包括高收入国家。 报告还表明,世界在实现全球营养目标方面面临困难,包括有关低出生体重和降低五岁以下儿童发育迟缓发生率的目标。此外,超重和肥胖现象在所有区域均在加重,尤其是在学龄儿童和成人当中。报告强调,没有任何一个区域能免于超重和肥胖问题大流行的问题,说明有必要采取多方面、多部门方法来阻止和扭转这些令人担忧的趋势。在世界经济处于脆弱状态的背景下,报告提出新的证据,证实饥饿问题在面临经济减速或收缩的很多国家中呈上升趋势。在深入分析经济减速和衰退与粮食不安全和营养不良之间的关联后,报告认为,前者对后者的影响只能通过解决饥饿和营养不良的根源问题才能得到抵消,这些根源问题包括贫困、不平等、边缘化。报告最提出一系列有助于解决这些根源因素以及在经济减速和衰退时期保障粮食安全和营养的短期和长期政策建议。 The following complementary information is available: View the Digital report Download the Brief Read the Flyer