



From valid measurement to effective decision making
主要报告, 2012
The 2012 Symposium on “Food and Nutrition Security Information: From valid measurement to effective decision making” brought together nearly 400 practitioners to discuss the latest trends, methodologies and progress made since the 2002 symposium. Its...
ESA Working Paper 12-07
工作文件, 2012
In light of a reinvigorated policy orientation toward agriculture in developing countries following recent dramatic developments affecting food prices and agricultural land use, public resource allocation decision-makers ought to have access to the existing evidence...
ESA Working Paper 12-06
工作文件, 2012
This paper addresses the determinants of public expenditure policies, by reviewing theories and empirical investigations of what features explain the budget process and how the various attributes of actors—including politicians, bureaucrats, interest groups, and donors—and...
经济增长很有必要,但不足以加快减缓饥饿及 营养不良
主要报告, 2012
《2012年世界粮食不安全状况》在经过改良的全新方法基础上,对营养  不足人口数量做出了新的估算。新的估算数字表明,过去20年在减轻饥饿方  面所取得的进展已经超出预计,而且只要加大努力,我们完全有可能于2015  年在全球范围内实现“千年发展目标”下的减轻饥饿目标。然而,长期营养  不足人口的数量仍然高得让人难以接受,因此消除饥饿依然是一项严峻的全  球性挑战。  今年的报告还探究经济增长在减轻营养不足问题上所发挥的作用。当经  济增长能帮助贫困人口增加就业和创收机会时,才能发挥最有效作用。可持  续农业增长往往能有效地惠及贫困人口,因为多数贫困和饥饿人口都居住在  农村地区,并主要以务农为生。然而,增长不一定意味着所有人的营养水平  都能得到提高。有些政策和计划能带来“注重营养”的增长,如那些能支持  饮食多样化、帮助人们更好地获得安全饮用水、环境卫生和医疗服务、为消  费者提供充足营养和育儿措施等方面教育的政策和计划。  经济增长需要经过一段时间才能惠及贫困人口,而且可能无法惠及其中  最贫穷的那部分人口。因此,社会保护对于尽快消除饥饿起着关键作用。此   外,社会保护如能合理构建,还有助于促进经济增长,因为它有助于开发人  力资本,帮助农民管理风险,采纳改良技术。最后,要想在减轻饥饿方面取  得快速进展,政府就必须采取行动,在透明、参与、问责、法治和人权基础  上构建的治理体系下,提供关键的公共产品及服务。
Online discussions that make a difference
成书/成书章节, 2012
This special publication showcases some of the FSN Forum's most significant discussions in recent years, on central topics and trends in food security, nutrition, and beyond. From food security concepts to climate change, and from...
信息产品, 2012
EU legislation provides for monitoring (ex-post assessment) and reporting on the socio-economic implications of the deliberate release and placing on the market of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of...
政策简报, 2012
Volatile and soaring food prices have been making headlines globally since 2007 with concerns over their negative impacts on the poor and their destabilizing social consequences in developing countries. Depending on published sources and local...
ESA Working Paper 12-01
工作文件, 2012
This paper reviews trends in global production and consumption of dairy products as well as the drivers behind increasing production and consumption. The past decades have seen rapid growth in consumption of dairy products in...
国别案例研究, 2011
In November 2011 an online discussion on "Measuring Food and Nutrition Security"was held by FAO's Food and Nutrition Security Forum. Participants discussed factors affecting their choice of indicators and how this choice affects their work....
国别案例研究, 2011
The report contains the full list of findings from the assessment as well as an analysis of the food security situation in Tajikistan.