



国别案例研究, 2011
The way a household copes with and withstands economic shocks depends on the options available, in terms of capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities. A livelihood strategy is the way those...
期刊文章, 2011
Adoption rates of improved or modern varieties (MV) of sorghum in eastern Ethiopia are generally low. Although these MV may represent an effective means of coping with droughts, given their early maturing traits, landraces could...
Right to Food Issues Brief 1
政策简报, 2011
Volatility, in terms of significant and frequent changes in the direction and magnitude of food prices, results in harmful effects to producers, consumers and states. This phenomenon puts at risk decisions made by producers about...
ESA Working Paper 11-15
工作文件, 2011
This paper explores two different aspects of food security, namely undernourishment and overweight in the two Caribbean Islands of Jamaica and St. Lucia. The analysis draws on household surveys conducted in late 2006 and early...
期刊文章, 2011
This article examines the driving forces behind farmers’ decisions to adopt improved pigeonpea and maize and estimates the causal impact of technology adoption on household welfare using data obtained from a random cross-section sample of...
ESA Working Paper 11-13
工作文件, 2011
Smallholder farmers and poor rural households are vulnerable to both economic and social shocks which hamper their participation in agricultural activities. Well-designed social protection programmes can help to reduce both the risk and vulnerability by building...
ESA Working Paper 11-12
工作文件, 2011
Agriculture can be an important engine of growth and poverty reduction. But the sector is underperforming in many countries in part because women, who are often a crucial resource in agriculture and the rural economy,...
主要报告, 2011
《2011年世界粮食不安全状况》着重说明了2006-2008年世界粮食危机对不同国家的不同影响,最贫穷国家受影响最大。虽然一些大国有能力应对严重危机,但是依赖进口的许多小国的人民则经历了价格大幅上涨,而即使只是临时性价格上涨也会对他们将来收入能力和脱贫能力产生永久性影响。 今年这份报告注重粮价波动的代价以及高粮价所带来的危险与机遇。气候变化及天气冲击的频率增加,由于对生物燃料的需求增加而促使能源与农业市场之间联系增强,粮食和农业商品的金融化程度增加,所有这些都表明价格波动会普遍化。本报告说明了价格波动对粮食安全的影响,提出了以经济有效方式减少价格波动、当无法避免时予以控制的政策方案。
ESA Working Paper 11-11
工作文件, 2011
This paper reviews existing microeconomic empirical literature on gender differences in use, access, and adoption of non-land agricultural inputs in developing countries. This review focuses on four key areas: (1) technological resources, (2) natural resources,...
ESA Working Paper 11-10
工作文件, 2011
This paper investigates the meaning of female empowerment and presents the argument why empowerment is needed. Empowerment is treated as a process which does not stop with empowerment per se, but also looks at what...