



ESA Working Paper 11-09
工作文件, 2011
Ester Boserup’s book Women’s role in economic development marked an important step in understanding the position of women in developing economies. Her book, along with the work of feminists writing at the same time, marked...
Issues Brief 2
政策简报, 2011
The escalating rate of competition over natural resources has reached important levels. Data on leases and acquisitions of large tracts of land varies across sources. According to the High Level Panel of Experts of the...
ESA Working Paper 11-05
工作文件, 2011
This paper introduces value chain analysis and development as tools for addressing gender inequities in markets. We describe how factors such as access to assets, gendered education differentials and the nature and value of economic...
ESA Working Paper 11-04
工作文件, 2011
This paper explores, conceptually and empirically, the question of how much food is produced by women. Data for labour inputs and agricultural output are used to assess women’s contribution to food and agricultural production. The...
ESA Working Paper 11-02
工作文件, 2011
Agriculture can be an important engine of growth and poverty reduction. But the sector is underperforming in many countries in part because women, who are often a crucial resource in agriculture and the rural economy,...
信息产品, 2011
This sample spread sheet accompanies the simple price monitoring tool to assess monthly changes in food prices.
手册/准则, 2011
This paper presents a simple tool that can be used to monitor developments in market prices. The data requirements are relatively simple: all that is needed are monthly data on nominal market prices and the...
国别案例研究, 2011
The Socio-Economic and Food Security (SEFSec) survey is part of a broader monitoring system in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) to be institutionalized within the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS). The purpose of the...
国别案例研究, 2011
This paper examines the relationship between migration and child growth in the rural highlands of Guatemala, a region with substantial international migration outflows, significant remittance inflows, and some of the highest rates of child undernutrition...
农业中的女性 填性别鸿沟 促农业发展
主要报告, 2011
在所有发展中国家地区,妇女对农村经济作重大贡献。妇女的这一作用因地区而异,然而,妇女获取提高生产力所需资源和机会的手段总是比男人的少。增加妇女获取土地、牲畜、教育、金融服务、推广、技术和农村就业的手段,将提高妇女的生产力,促进农业增产、粮食安全、经济增长和社会福利。仅在农业投入物方面缩小性别差距这一项,就能使一亿到一点五亿人摆脱贫困。缩小性别差距没有现成蓝图,但有些基本原则普遍适用:政府、国际社会和民间社会应携手努力,按法律规定消除歧视,促进资源获取手段和机会的平等,确保农业政策和计划考虑性别问题,聆听妇女作为可持续发展平等伙伴的声音。农业方面实现男女平等,赋予妇女权能,不仅应该做到,而且对农业发展和粮食安全至关重要。 下载宣传册