



Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
政策简报, 2016
This note focuses on the topic of social protection in protracted crises, presenting some possible approaches and its contribution to food security and nutrition, illustrated by case studies from FAO interventions in such contexts. The...
Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
政策简报, 2016
This note focuses on the topic of gender in protracted crisis situations. It advocates that FAO’s mandate to achieve food security for all by raising levels of nutrition, increasing agricultural productivity and natural resource management,...
Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
政策简报, 2016
This note focuses on the topic of access to land and land governance in protracted crises, providing some possible solutions illustrated by case studies from FAO interventions in such contexts. Protracted crisis represent a signal...
ESA Working Paper 16-07
工作文件, 2016
This paper aims at presenting empirical evidence from Zambia to better understand the linkages between climatic shocks, livelihood diversification and welfare outcomes with the goal of highlighting potential policy entry points to incentivize the types...
主要报告, 2016
除非立即采取行动来提高农业的可持续性、生产率和抵御能力,气候变化影响将严重危害 粮食安全问题本就十分严重的那些国家和区域的粮食生产。2015年12月通过的《巴黎协定》已 成为全球力求尽早稳定气候变化的新起点。《协定》认可粮食安全在全球气候变化应对行动中 的重要性,正如许多国家在其规划的适应和减缓贡献中,把农业部门作为突出重点。为有助于 把计划付诸实践,本报告确定了相关策略、融资机会以及数据和信息需求,同时还列出能够克 服实施障碍的变革政策和制度。 与主发布的其他材料也可用: 下载宣传册English In Brief 宣传册 减缓气候变化 粮食和农业状况气候变化、农业和粮食安全 网站
Climate change, agriculture and food security
主要报告, 2016
This booklet summarizes the main information and conclusions of the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2016 report. Unless action is taken now to make agriculture more sustainable, productive and resilient, climate change impacts will seriously compromise...
语言版本:English français Español
ESA Working Paper 16-06
工作文件, 2016
This document provides a full description of FAO’s partial equilibrium modelling system known as GAPS. GAPS has been developed by FAO to study the development of global food markets in the long-term and to assess...
ESA Working Paper 16-05
工作文件, 2016
This paper assesses past trends in agricultural land and labour productivity, as a test whether it is feasible to meet the SDG target 2.3, namely doubling productivity and incomes of smallholders within a 15-year time...
ESA Working Paper 16-04
工作文件, 2016
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remains the world’s most food-insecure region characterized by high levels of child mortality and poverty and low levels of human and physical capital (FAO, 2009). Countries in SSA, including Tanzania, heavily depend...
ESA Working Paper 16-03
工作文件, 2016
Food security in Tanzania is projected to deteriorate as a result of climate change. In spite of the Government’s efforts to promote agricultural practices that improve productivity and food security, adoption rates of such practices...