



国别案例研究, 2015
This study forms part of seven country case studies carried out as part of the FAO’s From Protection to Production (PtoP) programme. Zambia was selected as one of the countries given the substantial role played...
MAFAP Technical Notes Series
信息产品, 2015
This technical note aims to measure, analyse and interpret price incentives for cashew nuts in the United Republic of Tanzania over the period 2005-2013. The results and recommendations presented in this analysis of price incentives...
技术研究, 2015
This technical note aims to measure, analyse and interpret price incentives for sugar in Malawi over the period 2005-2013. The results and recommendations presented in this analysis of price incentives can be used by stakeholders...
ESA Working Paper 15-04
工作文件, 2015
The agricultural sector of Asian middle-income countries is changing rapidly in line with an overall structural transformation of the economy brought on by economic growth. This paper discusses the changes in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the...
技术研究, 2015
This report is part of a series of country level analysis prepared by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policies (RAP) Team. The series aims at providing programming and policy guidance to policy makers, practitioners, UN...
技术研究, 2015
This report is part of a series of country level analysis prepared by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policy (RAP) Team. The series aims at providing programming and policy guidance to policy makers, practitioners, UN...
技术研究, 2015
This report is part of a series of country level analysis prepared by the FAO Resilience Analysis and Policy (RAP) Team. The series aims at providing programming and policy guidance to policy makers, practitioners, UN...
主要报告, 2015
“千年发展目标”中有关减轻贫困 的目标已在多个国家实现,但仍有很多国 家进展滞后,而2015年后面临的挑战将 是彻底消除贫困和饥饿。很多发展中国家 正日益认识到,要采取社会保护措施,及 时帮助贫困人口摆脱贫困,同时防止其他 人在危机来袭时陷入贫困。 本版《粮食及农业状况 2015》指出,当社 会保护措施与更广义的农业及农村发展 措施相互结合时,它将有助于打破农村贫 困和脆弱性的恶性循环。 下载宣传册
ESA Working Paper 15-03
工作文件, 2015
In Burkina Faso and Mali, cotton is the most important cash crop, given its high contribution to the GDP and to the export sector revenue. Export of cotton lint accounted for 60 and 15 percent...
Social protection and agriculture: breaking the cycle of rural poverty
主要报告, 2015
A shorter version of the FAO flagship publication The State of Food and Agriculture 2015, the In Brief is aimed at the media, policymakers and more general public.
语言版本:English français Español