



ESA Working Paper 14-10
工作文件, 2014
The definition of family farm varies across countries and contexts. We reviewed 36 definitions and uses of the term “family farm” by academics, government and civil society organisations that describe the characteristics that make family...
政策简报, 2014
The FAPDA programme has just published four new Country fact sheets on food and agriculture policy trends for Guatemala, Iran, Tanzania and Yemen. The fact sheets synthesize policy information that is stored in the online...
主要报告, 2014
全世界有5亿多个家庭农场,经营着世界上大部分农地,生产出世界上大部分粮食。我们需要这些家庭农场来保障全球粮食安全,管理和保护自然环境,消除贫困、食物不足和营养不良现象。然而,要想彻底实现这些目标,公共政策需要支持家庭农场,使其提高自身的生产率和实现可持续性;换言之,政策必须要支持家庭农场,使其在一个承认其所面临挑战的多样性和复杂性的体系中实现创新。 《2014年粮食及农业状况:家庭农业中的创新》着力分析家庭农场,并分析创新在保障全球粮食安全、减贫和环境可持续性等方面所发挥的作用。报告提出,必需支持家庭农场创新,推动生产可持续集约化和改善农村生计。创新是农民不断改进生产和农场管理措施的. 下载宣传册
Innovation in family farming
主要报告, 2014
A shorter version of the FAO flagship publication The State of Food and Agriculture 2014, the In Brief is aimed at the media, policymakers and more general public.
语言版本:English français Español
主要报告, 2014
《2014年世界粮食不安全状况》介绍食物不足最新状况以及在实现千 年发展目标和世界粮食首脑会议饥饿相关目标方面取得的进展。减轻饥饿 与营养不良方面的最新评估结果表明,我们继续在全球范围内和很多国家 中取得进展,但一些国家仍需进一步加大努力力度。   2014年报告还对2013年推出的粮食安全整套指标开展了进一步研究, 同时深入分析粮食安全各维度,即可供量、获取、稳定性和利用。通过从 各维度出发衡量粮食安全,这一整套指标将更详尽地反映某一国家在粮食 安全与营养方面面临的挑战,从而帮助制定有针对性的粮食安全与营养 干预措施。   最高层的长期政治承诺是消除饥饿的前提,这包括将粮食安全与营养 事务放在政治议程首位,并为粮食安全与营养状况的改善打造一个有利环 境。今年的报告共分析七个国家的经验,特别侧重粮食安全与营养所需的 有利环境,体现以下四个方面的承诺与能力:政策、计划和法律框架; 人力和财力资源的筹措;协调机制和伙伴关系;基于实证的决策。
Methodology Paper 2014
成书/成书章节, 2014
The food security commitment and capacity profile (FSCCP) is a tool that was developed by FAO to assess and track performance of national authorities in terms of their commitment and capacity to act on food...
ESA Working Paper 14-09
工作文件, 2014
Agricultural production is prone to several risks which affect both producers and consumers. In order to enhance investment and achieve a sustained increase in production, coherent and integrated long-term strategies and policies are required to...
ESA Working Paper 14-08
工作文件, 2014
This paper assesses farmers’ incentives and conditioning factors that hinder or promote adaptation strategies and evaluates its impact on crop productivity by utilizing household level data collected in 2011 from nationally representative sample households in...
ESA Working Paper 14-07
工作文件, 2014
Food price volatility spells have fuelled the debate about the reliability of world markets as a source of food. At the heart of this debate lies the question of whether food price spikes are generated...
ESA Working Paper 14-06
工作文件, 2014
This paper assesses Bangladesh’s progress towards eradicating hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, and how the National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme (NFPCSP) implemented by FAO and the Government of Bangladesh contributed to this progress. To...