



ESA Working Paper 13-02
工作文件, 2013
Developing country food systems have changed dramatically since the Green Revolution period. At the same time, malnutrition still represents a challenge and is now understood to encompass the three simultaneous dimensions of undernourishment, micronutrient deficiencies,...
政策简报, 2013
Public expenditure on agriculture and rural development in Burkina Faso has not adequately targeted the main factors which depress producers’ prices of most key commodities: few and inadequate rural roads, a lack of transport capacity...
信息产品, 2013
This brief provides emerging evidence from the implementation of the Climate-Smart Agriculture project in Zambia. The analysis clearly indicates that better screening of agro-ecological and socio-economic constraints and incentives for adoption of conservation farming are...
政策简报, 2013
Kenyan smallholder tea farmers generally received prices closer to those in international markets. This reflects the country’s liberalized market structure for tea and the lack of distortions resulting from domestic policies. The close alignment between domestic and...
信息产品, 2013
This brief provides emerging evidence from the implementation of the Climate-Smart Agriculture project in Malawi. We analyze factors governing farmers’ decision to adopt adaptation strategies and evaluate the potential impact of adoption on crop productivity...
政策简报, 2013
Kenya´s cattle producers are currently hindered by the structure and functioning of the domestic market, recurring drought, the prevalence of disease and the inability to meet importing countries’ sanitary requirements. MAFAP analysis suggests that unless these...
主要报告, 2013
各种类型的营养不良,包括营养不足、微量元素缺乏、超重及肥胖,会给收入水平各异的国家带来令人难以接受的巨大经济、社会代价。要想改善营养,减少此类代价,就需要采取多部门综合措施,首先从粮食和农业入手,同时在公共卫生和教育领域开展互补性干预措施。农业传统上在粮食生产和创收方面发挥着根本性作用,而整个粮食体系,从投入和生产,到加工、储存、运输及零售,再到消费等各个环节,都能够在消除营养不良方面做出更大贡献。农业政策和研究必须继续支持主粮生产率的提高,同时更加侧重富含养分的食物以及更可持续的生产体系。传统和现代化供应链能够加强各类营养食品的供应,减少养分浪费和损失。各国政府、国际组织、私营部门以及民间社会能够通过提供清晰、准确的信息同时确保人们能够获得多样化营养食品,从而帮助消费者做出更健康的膳食选择,减少浪费,为资源的更可持续利用做出贡献。 下载宣传册
政策简报, 2013
Although cotton is a major export crop in the URT, domestic cotton farmers received lower prices than what they could have potentially obtained between 2005 and 2010. MAFAP analysis suggests that the following measures would...
Food systems for better nutrition
主要报告, 2013
A shorter version of the FAO flagship publication The State of Food and Agriculture 2013, the In Brief is aimed at the media, policymakers and more general public.
语言版本:English français Español
国别案例研究, 2013
Since social protection and smallholder agricultural interventions often cover the same geographic space and target the same households, there are opportunities for synergies and complementarities that strengthen livelihoods of poor rural households.