



FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 24
政策简报, 2020
Notwithstanding an increasing demand for their derived products, roots and tubers value chains in Africa remain loose, fragmented and informal, and many market opportunities remain unexploited. Some encouraging new investment initiatives in roots and tubers...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 23
政策简报, 2020
Even if roots and tubers are generally tolerant to poor soils and droughts, they can be affected by climate variability and change. In order to address climate risks, value chains’ actors require timely and accurate...
政策简报, 2020
世界范围内实施的遏制新冠病毒(COVID-19)大流行的措施不但导致依赖运输的货物和服务的运输量大幅下降,也造成国内和国际劳动力流动的严重减少。用工荒的原因既来自运输系统的扰乱,也是由于为预防疫病传播而采取的国内和跨境限制措施造成的。 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)敦促各国保持发挥粮食价值链功能,避免粮食短缺,要采取经实践证明有效的作法。本文总结梳理了能够供政府和私营部门用于保持粮食价值链关键物流节点运行的一些作法。
政策简报, 2020
新冠病毒(COVID-19)大流行造成全世界生命蒙受损失,对公共卫生系统、生计和经济造成严重破坏,生活在粮食危机背景下的人们所受影响尤甚。 已经存在人道主义危机状况的国家尤其易于受到疫病大流行的影响,疫病流行由于影响到粮食供给和需求,从而对粮食系统造成了直接影响,又因为购买力、粮食生产和流通能力下降以及护理工作加重而受到间接影响。所有这些影响的分布存在差别,对最脆弱人口的影响最为显著。本已面临异常紧急情况的国家所受影响可能更大,,对农业领域造成直接后果,例如东部非洲、近东和西南亚目前出现的沙漠蝗虫暴发。 以往危机的教训可供今天的应对政策和行动作为参考。西部非洲埃博拉病毒疫情、2007-2008年金融危机及其他危机等可引以为鉴,因为这些借鉴都凸显了做出快速反应并预判新冠病毒流行附带影响的必要性,包括制定适当的政策措施、维持和加强人道主义粮食安全干预以及保护最脆弱人群、尤其是处于粮食危机背景下人群的生计和粮食获取。
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 22
政策简报, 2020
It is projected that climate change will affect rainfall patterns in South Asia and will contribute to a decline in water availability for rice cultivation in the region. In Sri Lanka, where rice is both...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 21
政策简报, 2020
This brief details the three functional elements of climate vulnerability: risk exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity, in order to assess the interactions between participation in Malawi’s largest public works programme, the Malawi Social Action Fund...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 20
政策简报, 2020
This policy brief analyses institutional challenges faced by Guyana’s agricultural sector to promote diversification and development. Agricultural development in Guyana is strongly correlated with agricultural diversification, hence diversification strategies can be used to promote growth...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 19
政策简报, 2019
Food loss and waste reduction is considered important for improving food security and nutrition, promoting environmental sustainability and lowering production costs. However, it is not a given that reducing food loss and waste in any...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 18
政策简报, 2019
The high cost to Ecuador’s national budget of maintaining a minimum guaranteed producer price for rice led to the introduction of a price bracket system in 2017. The minimum support price policy and a complimentary...
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 17
政策简报, 2019
This policy brief analyses Ecuador’s trade, productive and price policies for maize and their effect on farmers’ level of protection. The minimum support price enacted until 2017, turned out to be a non-operative policy due...