



期刊文章, 2012
This paper describes the benefits and costs of managing food price instability in the context of promoting economic growth and poverty reduction in order to improve food security. Some key costs of stabilizing domestic food...
ESA Working Paper 12-04
工作文件, 2012
The paper reviews the existing literature on fertilizer subsidies in sub-Saharan Africa and provides a coherent analysis of both the theoretical underpinnings and the results – or outcomes, when available – of existing fertilizer subsidy...
ESA Working Paper 11-19
工作文件, 2011
This paper reviews four international datasets and one regional dataset which allow us to consider the magnitude of and trends in government spending on, official development assistance (ODA) to and foreign direct investment (FDI) in...
ESA Working Paper 11-14
工作文件, 2011
The present paper attempts to identify the groups of households that most likely will face positive or negative welfare consequences as a result of food price increases. Using data from household surveys and differentiating urban from...
主要报告, 2011
《2011年世界粮食不安全状况》着重说明了2006-2008年世界粮食危机对不同国家的不同影响,最贫穷国家受影响最大。虽然一些大国有能力应对严重危机,但是依赖进口的许多小国的人民则经历了价格大幅上涨,而即使只是临时性价格上涨也会对他们将来收入能力和脱贫能力产生永久性影响。 今年这份报告注重粮价波动的代价以及高粮价所带来的危险与机遇。气候变化及天气冲击的频率增加,由于对生物燃料的需求增加而促使能源与农业市场之间联系增强,粮食和农业商品的金融化程度增加,所有这些都表明价格波动会普遍化。本报告说明了价格波动对粮食安全的影响,提出了以经济有效方式减少价格波动、当无法避免时予以控制的政策方案。
信息产品, 2011
This sample spread sheet accompanies the simple price monitoring tool to assess monthly changes in food prices.
手册/准则, 2011
This paper presents a simple tool that can be used to monitor developments in market prices. The data requirements are relatively simple: all that is needed are monthly data on nominal market prices and the...
成书/成书章节, 2010
The increasing volume of remittances and public transfers in rural areas of the developing world has raised hopes that these cash inflows may serve as an effective mechanism for reducing poverty in the long term...
期刊文章, 2010
World cereal prices have been increasing substantially since 2003. Until 2008, the Asian countries examined in this paper (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam) had generally been able to contain domestic...
期刊文章, 2009
This study examines how different supply chain characteristics impose different coordination costs on vegetable processors. The results provide a basis for understanding the relative importance of four alternative supply chain characteristics to vegetable processors: (1)...
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