



(HOW TO series)
手册/准则, 2007
Desarrollar una estrategia para poner en práctica el derecho a la alimentación debe comenzar por evaluar la situación actual. La Directriz 3,2 del Derecho a la Alimentación* recomienda que los titulares de obligaciones (los Estados)...
FOCUS ON series
信息产品, 2007
Until recently, human rights issues have been the domain of lawyers and human rights campaigners while resource access issues were tackled by technical interventions and political mobilization. Today human rights principles and language are being...
期刊文章, 2007
We review claims linking both payments for carbon and poverty to deforestation. We examine these effects empirically for Costa Rica during the late 20th century using an econometric approach that addresses the irreversibilities in...
信息产品, 2007
Traditional bioenergy is the dominant source of energy for about half of the world’s population and it is used mainly for cooking. This in itself makes access to bioenergy a right to food issue....
期刊文章, 2007
Preferential trade agreements are thought of as an important instrument for integrating the developing (DCs) and least developed countries (LDCs) into the world trading system. The Everything But Arms initiative (EBA) of the European Union...
手册/准则, 2007
Monitoring through the periodic collection, analysis and interpretation, and dissemination of relevant information is critical to know whether progress is being made and whether policies, programmes and other actions by government and other stakeholders adequately...
(FOCUS ON series)
信息产品, 2007
Until recently, human rights issues have been the domain of lawyers and human rights campaigners while resource access issues were tackled by technical interventions and political mobilization. Today human rights principles and language are being...
FOCUS ON series
信息产品, 2007
Enabling people to feed themselves is the primary obligation of states. When individuals are unable to do so, in cases such as when HIV/AIDS makes them physically incapable or when loss of infected parents leaves...
主要报告, 2007
The State of Food and Agriculture 2007 explores the potential for agriculture to provide enhanced levels of environmental services alongside the production of food and fibre. The report concludes that demand for environmental services from...
期刊文章, 2007
This report reviews gender issues in Liberia’s agriculture and rural sector with a special focus on rural women and how to improve their participation and contribution to rural development. The report reviews women’s roles in...