



ESA Working Paper 05-04
工作文件, 2005
The paper analyses the impacts of transaction costs on the degree of household market integration using survey data collected from smallholder potato farmers located in the Peruvian Andes. The analysis focuses on the impacts of...
成书/成书章节, 2005
The topics addressed in this book are of vital importance to the survival of humankind. Agricultural biodiversity, encompassing genetic diversity as well as human knowledge, is the base upon which agricultural...
Agricultural trade and poverty: Can trade work for the poor?
主要报告, 2005
The State of Food and Agriculture 2005 examines the many ways trade and trade liberalization affect the poor and food-insecure. It is found that trade can be a catalyst for change, promoting conditions that enable...
期刊文章, 2005
Prior research on Mexican migration has shown that social networks and economic incentives play an important role in determining migration outcomes. We use experimental data from PROGRESA, Mexico’s primary poverty-reduction program, to evaluate the effects...
期刊文章, 2005
The paper explores an important issue in multilateral agricultural trade negotiations, namely the approach taken to reduce tariffs, simulating possible liberalization scenarios. The analysis is based on the model of the Global Trade Analysis Project...
国别案例研究, 2005
This case study examines how alternative approaches to rinderpest eradication evolved in the complex emergency context of southern Sudan, and how initial experiences informed the establishment of a large-scale community-based animal health worker (CAHW) system....
ESA Working Paper 05-03
工作文件, 2005
Using data from the 2003 Albania Panel Survey, the paper sets out to achieve two main objectives. First, we fully characterize the evolution of Albanian international migration since the fall of Communism in 1990. We distinguish...
期刊文章, 2005
This paper analyses recent patterns of migration and poverty in Albania, a country that following the collapse of the communist regime in 1990 – has been experiencing high migration rates. Using a combination of survey and...
期刊文章, 2005
This paper is an action oriented document and hopefully a contribution to the methodologies to build policy makers’ capacities in negotiation. It is also, hopefully, a contribution to better address the difficult task of strengthening...
期刊文章, 2005
Rice is the largest user of water in Asia, probably accounting for more than half of irrigation water withdrawals. Two key trends in the Asian rice economy that may be affecting water productivity are the...