Georgian Research Institute for Scientific Technical Information (TECHINFORMI)

TECHINFORMI is Georgia's central institute for scientific and technical information. Its activity covers the collection and analysis of information concerning R&D and innovations in Georgia, customer services in all branches of market research, organisation of scientific and business events, print & electronic publishing and translating scientific, technical and official documents.
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ODS This data provider participates in the AGRIS Open Data Set (ODS)



Related Activities


On Friday 7 July 2023, Institute TECHINFORMI, the AGRIS Country Hub in Georgia, held a virtual workshop for the Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU), an AGRIS data provider. Institute TECHINFORMI's support to ANAU, as per the framework established with FAO, has been instrumental in the...


AGRIS Country Hubs from Georgia and Republic of Moldova participated in the tenth anniversary Plenary meeting of Research Data Alliance (RDA) from 21-23 of March. The Research Data Alliance was launched in 2013 with the aim to build a social and technical infrastructure to facilitate open access to...


The AGRIS Country Hub in Georgia, Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (TECHINFORMI) of the Georgian Technical University, has launched the campaign "Discover the latest trends and the most demanded data in agricultural research via open science knowledge platform – AGRIS", which will...


On 2-3 November 2022, Institute TECHINFORMI of the Georgian Technical University, as the AGRIS Country Hub and grantee of the EOSC future grants program in Georgia, will participate in the EOSC National Tripartite meeting. The Tripartite Collaboration is a concept of strategic coordination between...


11 October - 12.00 CEST Institute TECHINFORMI as a National AGRIS Hub in Georgia with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will conduct a seminar about AGRIS and the involvement of the Georgian scientific community. The seminar will highlight the role of...


2 June 2022 - 14:00 GMT+4 The online workshop "AGRIS - Visibility of the Agricultural Scientific Data of Georgia in the Global Information Space. Open Science principles and AGRIS Open Data Sets” will be conducted by the Institute TECHINFORMI of the Georgian Technical University with the support of...


On Friday 12 November 2021 at 16:00 GMT+4, with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an online workshop on AGRIS and FAO AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus will be conducted by the Institute TECHINFORMI of the Georgian Technical University. The round table discussion will address...


TECHINFORMI, an independent research institution at Georgian Technical University and one of the leading organizations in the fields of scientific and technical information in Georgia, became an AGRIS Country Hub in 2021. TECHINFORMI's mission is sharing scientific and technical information and...


Increasing the visibility and accessibility of agricultural data produced in Georgia through AGRIS and the use of AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus On Thursday 21 October 2021 at 14:00 GMT+4, with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an online workshop on AGRIS and FAO AGROVOC...


On 25 June 2021 the Institute for Scientific and Technical Information - TECHINFORMI of Georgian Technical University (GTU) organized an online seminar on how to “ Increase the visibility and accessibility of the agricultural data produced in Georgia through the AGRIS and AGROVOC multilingual...


Increasing the visibility and accessibility of agricultural data produced in Georgia through the FAO AGRIS International information system and AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus On Friday 25 June of 2021, at 14:00, with the support of FAO, an online seminar on AGRIS (International System for...


The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the Institute Techinformi of Georgian Technical University are excited to partner together to reinforce the abilities of researchers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries from organizations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina...


AGRIS, სოფლის მეურნეობის მეცნიერებისა და ტექნოლოგიების საერთაშორისო სისტემა (Georgian)

AGRIS-ი წარმოადგენს სურსათისა და სოფლის მეურნეობის სამეცნიერო ლიტერატურის ერთ-ერთ ყველაზე სრულყოფილ მონაცემთა ბაზას მსოფლიოში. ვებპორტალის საშუალებით...

Last ingestion date
10 مارس 2025
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