AGRIS Data Providers

Number of Data Providers*

  • between 1 and 2
  • between 3 and 10
  • between 11 and 20
  • >20

* The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Data ProviderAGRIS-IDCountry
Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuariaCO0Colombia
Cotton Research and Development Association IM2India
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Institute for Scientific and Technological InformationGH0Ghana
Covenant UniversityNG3Nigeria
De Gruyter OpenPLAPoland
Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsGB0United Kingdom
Department of Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of AgriculturePG0Papua New Guinea
Department of Market Research, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentIL0Israel
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotekDK0Denmark
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit NG8Nigeria
Dicle UniversityTRBTurkey
Dirección General Marítima COHColombia
Dirección Nacional de Recursos AcuáticosUY1Uruguay
Direction de la formation de l'enseignement et du personnel, Ministère de l'agriculture de l'élevage et du développement ruralGA0Gabon
Direction de la Pêche ContinentaleSN3Senegal
Direction de la programmation et des affaires economiques, Ministère de l'agriculture, du développement rural et des pêches maritimesMA0Morocco
Direction des Industries de Transformation de la PêcheSN2Senegal
Direction des Pêches MaritimesSN1Senegal
Directorate General of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture and FisheriesOM0Oman
Directorate of Agricultural Policy and Documentation, Division of Documentation, Ministry of AgricultureGR0Greece
Directory of Open Access JournalsDJ0Sweden
Division de la documentation, de l'information et de la formation, Institut d'économie ruraleML0Mali
Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of the Azerbaijan National Academy of SciencesAZ3Azerbaijan
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological UniversityUAHUkraine