منصة المعارف عن الزراعة الإيكولوجية

How can farmers be encouraged to switch to agroecology?

The Fouta Djallon Farmers' Federation in Guinea has chosen to turn to agroecology in order to better respond to the climatic, economic and food challenges faced by farming communities.

The first episode of "Entrance to Agroecology" explains the difficulty of orienting farmers to agroecology without first checking its true effectiveness. The Fouta Djallon Farmers' Federation have therefore opted for the dissemination of agroecology through a process of scientific verification of local agricultural practices with the help of the Guinean Institute for Agronomic Research (IRAG).

After evaluating and selecting the practices, the technicians were responsible for disseminating this knowledge under real agricultural conditions. This has been a slow process, but with a positive impact, as farmers have started to appropriate and disseminate these practices and some can already perceive noticeable improvements.    

السنة: 2020
البلد/البلدان: Guinea
التغطية الجغرافية: أفريقيا
لغة المحتوى: French
Author: CCFD-Terre Solidaire ,
النوع: فيديو
Organization: CCFD-Terre Solidaire

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