منصة المعارف عن الزراعة الإيكولوجية

Regional Institute for Small Appropriate Agriculture in Brazil

The Caatinga recovery program takes place in the Caatinga biome in the Brazilian semiarid region, within the Sertão do São Francisco Territory. Approximately 50% of this region is seriously affected by desertification.

The initiative created processes of Recaatingamento in order to keep the Caatinga ecosystem productive and healthy. Recaatingamento is an approach for the recovery of degraded areas and the elaboration of a management plan for the sustainable use of the Caatinga for goat and sheep grazing, implemented in partnership with traditional collective pasture communities. The approach consists of :

• Identification and isolation of degraded areas;

• Development of a management plan for the territory of the community;

• Development of new activities that contribute to food security and income generation;

• Involvement of entities, social movements, research agencies, and universities in the implementation and evaluation of the actions developed;

• Dissemination of the concept of Recaatingamento to various institutions and constituencies (elementary schools and universities).

The initiative was established on 1900 hectares of Caatinga vegetation. The community actively participates in the recovery of the Caatinga – they selected the area and have implemented the management plan. They perform all the activities needed for the Recaatingamento process to succeed and are responsible for maintaining the necessary management regime for at least 20 years. The State has donated the necessary material and equipment and provided technical assistance in order to contribute to combating desertification and mitigating the effects of climate change.

The initiative strengthened traditions of collective action and increased household income. Moreover, the initiative created new agricultural activities to preserve the Caatinga. It increased the visibility of communities as guardians of the Caatinga, as the restored areas have once more become a healthy biome.

This fact sheet is produced as part of the Avaclim project, which aims to create the necessary conditions for the deployment of agroecology in dryland areas. The international solidarity association CARI coordinates the Avaclim project while the Caatinga is in charge of its implementation in Brazil.

السنة: 2021
البلد/البلدان: Brazil
التغطية الجغرافية: أمريكا اللاتينية والبحر الكاريبي
لغة المحتوى: English
Author: Avaclim project ,
النوع: الابتكار
Organization: CARI, Caatinga

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