منصة المعارف عن الزراعة الإيكولوجية

Community management of the Baoudoumboin forest in Burkina Faso

The forest ecosystem of Baoudoumboin is a 400 ha area from which local populations draw most of their resources to meet their subsistence needs, including: firewood and service wood; non-timber forest products; plants used in traditional pharmacopoeia for human and animal health; grassy pasture for animals; and thatch for the construction of habitats and for handicrafts. Thus, in 2010, hunters in the Zondoma province decided to create an intervillage conservation area to preserve and manage these natural resources in a sustainable manner.

The process of creating and sustainably managing this inter-village forest went through several stages, including negotiations with traditional and customary authorities to agree on the space to be delimited in the forest. Then the Wend La Panga association of hunters conducted participatory workshops to develop consensual rules that reconcile the often divergent interests of users. It is also this association that implements the actions retained in the forest management action plan, notably the surveillance of the forest, the opening of fire trails, and reforestation.

This factsheet is produced within the framework of the Avaclim project, which aims to create the necessary conditions for the deployment of agroecology in drylands. The international solidarity association CARI coordinates the Avaclim project while the Association for Research and Training in Agroecology (ARFA) carries out the implementation in Burkina Faso.

السنة: 2021
البلد/البلدان: Burkina Faso
التغطية الجغرافية: أفريقيا
لغة المحتوى: French
Author: Avaclim project ,
النوع: الابتكار
Organization: CARI, ARFA

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