منصة المعارف عن الزراعة الإيكولوجية

Course ''Accelerators for Nature''

The wealth of Latin America is its nature and also the generation of young people who today act to protect it.

Accelerators for Nature is a course that seeks to promote the innovative initiatives of this generation to solve the diverse environmental challenges of the region.

Accelerators for Nature, based on CoalitionWILD's EXCELerator Program, seeks to foster a new generation of young change agents, training them in key skills in the conservation sector and joining the network of young people seeking innovative solutions to environmental challenges in Latin America.

This course is completely free and in Spanish for selected change agents.

If you are under 35 years old, have the motivation to create environmental initiatives and are a student or graduate of environmental sciences, conservation, social sciences, engineering or related fields, you can apply from Monday, 24 January until Sunday, 6 February 2022.

Find more information here.

 24/01/2022 - 06/02/2022
السنة: 2022
التغطية الجغرافية: أمريكا اللاتينية والبحر الكاريبي
النص الكامل متاح على: https://aceleradores.conservamos.org/
لغة المحتوى: Spanish
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النوع: حدث

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