منصة المعارف عن الزراعة الإيكولوجية

Call to action – La Via Campesina: ‘’We defend Food Sovereignty and our territories from violence, evictions and agribusiness’’! On 25 November 2022

Throughout these 30 years, the political proposals of La Via Campesina have remained valid and more relevant than ever, and peasants play a fundamental role in Food Sovereignty, in the conservation of biodiversity, in the production of healthy food with agroecological practices, in markets, in the family economy, and in political and organisational life.  However, peasant women, indigenous women, sea and forest women, landless women, fisherwomen, and pastoralists continue to demand structural equality, paid and dignified work in the countryside, recognition of care work, guaranteed political participation, access to land, the right to basic services and investment in peasant agriculture as recognised in the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants adopted by the UN in 2018. 

Every 25 November, La Via Campesina, raise voices for memory, justice and reparations for all women who struggle, defenders of territories and survivors of violence. Therefore, it stands in solidarity with the families and organisations, and express thier concern for all defenders, women, youth and minorities who experience harassment, violence and reprisals from the state, transnational corporations and the judiciary for their active resistance to agribusiness. 

On this day of action, together with organised and rebellious women from all over the world, marches, forums, direct actions in courts, fairs and other events will be organized to denounce the daily and structural violence experienced by women and peasant minorities.

 25/11/2022 - 25/11/2022
السنة: 2022
لغة المحتوى: English
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النوع: حدث
Organization: La Via Campesina

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