Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Agricultural heritage cons ervation: new opportunity for developing eco-agriculture

Due to advances in science and technology and intensive utilization of land, significant agricultural achievements have been attained at the expense certain eco-agricultural and environmental problems. At the same time, it has also been noted that some traditional farming methods are uniquely advantageous regarding adaptation to climate change, ecosystem services supply and environmental protection. Humans have realized the importance of protecting traditional agro-technologies, bio-resources and unique agro-landscapes. After nearly 30 years of practice and development, China’s eco-agriculture has achieved remarkable results. However, current eco-agricultural development is not entirely satisfactory, mainly due to lack of further research and accountability on agro-ecosystem services functions and difficulty in obtaining remarkable economic benefits driven by lack of market-oriented guidance, scale management, specialized production and brand popularization of traditional autarkic peasant economy. At present, the development of present societies was not only new but also led to numerous new problems. The practice of agricultural heritage widened new visions and provided new resolutions to emerging issues. To promote further development of eco-agriculture, it was necessary to look for new understandings of multi-functional agriculture in relation to production, ecology and culture.

Title of publication: Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
Volume: 20
Issue: 6
ISSN: 1671-3990
Page range: 663-667
Year: 2012
Country/ies: China
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Content language: Chinese (Traditional)
Author: Li Wen-Hua , Liu Mou-Cheng, Min Qing-Wen
Type: Journal article

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